View Full Version : One symptom to another but worried about same thing

04-04-16, 14:33
I know I suffer from health anxiety as I am always thinking of the worst case scenario and never logical, whether it be about myself or partner, children etc. I straight away panic until told otherwise. Although it is a lot worse with myself.
I look online, which I know is the worst thing to do , see a bad problem and then it all escalates.

For around 3 months now I have had a 24/7 fear about a brain tumour. It started because I had headaches regularly which I have suffered with for a while, I also had brain fog and just wasn't there, this is when I searched online and seen brain tumour and things now have got way out of hand . My headaches have actually improved
I am not getting them everyday now, but I then started seeing lots of floaters, which I am still seeing. I then started concentrating on my speech and picked up everytime I said something wrong or stuttered and instantly panicked, feeling the way I am walking and if I bump into anything if I do thinking is it because I may have a brain tumour, neck pain, weird feeling in back of head, eye lid twitches, struggling to read/write listen to people all have followed in this time, I talk to someone feel bit better and try and be positive but then another symptom comes and knocks me back to start. The latest one is like a tingling/numbness in my forearms and fingers started for no reason last night, again this made me panic hugely thinking this is also linked.

My question is, can anxiety really cause all of these and is it possible to get so many symptoms which are linked to one thing? Like because I read about the symptoms I know that it causes many of these problems, so can I then start feeling tingling etc? It's really scary and I would love more than anything to find out its anxiety so I can try and work on it, I go see a neurologist in may because I have pushed my gp to refer me, I have had a eye test which was normal that was before my floaters came.


04-04-16, 19:42
Hi WTW12,

I know what it's like Googling symptoms and then convinced you have all of them. But remember when you focus on one part of your body it often feels odd (if I think about my knee enough it starts paining!). It seems like you know underneath that there's no real medical issue, although you would like reassurance from the neurologist. A guy I worked with has floaters and has had them for years, it's just one of those things and doesn't mean for a second that you have a tumour.

It's good that you feel better when you talk to people-make the effort to do this as much as you can and watch the symptoms fade (spent the afternoon out walking and they disappeared for me). And finally, step away from Google, it's evil!!

I hope you manage to get your anxiety under control, it's tough but it's definitely doable


04-04-16, 19:50
After 3 months of symptoms, it would be apparent if you had a brain tumor or not. They are very rare.

05-04-16, 16:11
Thanks for reply.

I just don't know what to think, one minute I get myself thinking it's because of anxiety but then I will get a new feeling or symptom and makes me think it can't be.

At the minute I still have a weird sensation in both my forearms and hands, like weak, aching, not quite pins and needles but I keep needing the stretch fingers. And I have been getting muscle twitches in my arms and elbows so I am freaking out at the minute. How can anxiety cause your arms to feel strange for 2 days and muscle twitches?

I get a like hot flush feeling after my muscle has twitched which stops shortly after but I feel hot, may be panic possibly?

How strong can anxiety be? Like I started because of the headaches I get thinking it's something worse but within these 3 months I have had so many symptoms.
