View Full Version : Teeth grinding!

04-04-16, 15:21
How annoying!! I can't seem to stop it today.
My appetite is a little better. I still can't face anything in a morning apart from water, but I managed a bit of lunch today, yay!
I'm quite drowsy these last few days, wondering if that's common, as I was told that wouldn't happen.
Anxiety was really quite high this morning, tapering off now. It's such a horrid anxiety too. It makes me feel incapable and like everything is totally beyond my control. Yuk :(

04-04-16, 15:54
Teeth grinding, drowsiness, headaches, no energy, arm pain, no appetite
Were all side effects I experienced when starting citalopram

04-04-16, 19:14
I had a tough time eating when I started it, I felt so nauseous- which was unfortunate because when I panic I want to throw up!
Side effects should all pass within the first month, they're irritating but once you're through them then it's plain sailing :)

04-04-16, 19:20
I still grind my teeth in my sleep & wake up with headaches because of it sometimes, it's the one side effect that won't budge for me!

04-04-16, 20:04
Thanks for the replies everyone. It's only started today it's so annoying haha! I'm sticking with it, I feel much better than a few days ago already, it heightened my anxiety to an unbearable level but been ok last few days... Really hoping it works for me as I really want get beck to being me if you get me.

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:03 ----------

Also, mark, yes I felt so nauseous the first few days, not so bad now but it's still there.... It seems to ease up around lunch time/ early afternoon. I have a phobia of throwing up so it's not great!

05-04-16, 23:15
This teeth grinding should go as citilapram should relax you when at the right dose.


06-04-16, 10:51
Thanks rich.
I've had an ok couple of days and sleeping more easily but major panic and anxiety for a few hrs this morning, felt awful. Managed a little bit to eat though just now. Bloody anxiety!
I'm seeing Dr on Tuesday so will keep an eye on things. I'm on 20mg straight away so wonder if that's anything to do with why I'm so panicked :/

06-04-16, 14:07

I went straight onto 20mg and it is the widely prescribed starting dose. You will feel rotten for a while unfortunately, it's a slow process. That morning anxiety is a killer, I had it really bad this morning and it depressed me big time, I have only just started to shake it off, I did take some diazepam though (4mg). I'm up and down like a yo yo, which is especially annoying because 1 minute I think I'm fit to work and the next I can barely get out of bed.

Anxiety is the worst, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but we will all get there. Stay strong!


07-04-16, 10:26
I know what you mean about the up and down feeling, one minute I'm fine and feel like I can tackle everything the next I'm having a panic attack, even small things get on top of me, stuff that should be nice like planning a friends visit this weekend is proving incredibly stressful.
I suffered with anxiety about 15 years ago in my teens and thought I'd seen the back of it! Hope you're feeling better this morning?

---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

Also rich, out of interest, when do you take cit? Am I super anxious in a morning because I take it at night, outer is that just how it is?! I don't think I could take it in a morning because it seems to make me sleepy.

07-04-16, 14:07
Yes that's exactly how I am, I arrange things and then feel crap and then think why the hell did I arrange that lol.
I too suffered anxiety in my teens although nothing was done about it until I was in my late twenties\early thirties.
I take my cit in the morning. That super anxious feeling in the morning is horrible and its normal. I think everyone on this forum gets it. It will eventually subside when the meds do there job.
I remember when I was on cit before, I could jump out of bed and sing along to a song on the radio whilst showering, it seems like ages since I have done that. Now I just don't feel like even getting out of bed.

Stay strong and stick with the plan, so many people give up when the times are hard and wish they didn't. I know my anxiety is worse on these tablets.


---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

Do you have any benzos to help?

07-04-16, 19:05
Thanks rich, I don't have anything else no, but I'm seeing my GP on Tuesday which will be the 2 week mark so I'll discuss everything with her then.
Thanks for the info on the morning anxiety. It's so daft, I go through all my worries when I'm feeling ok in an evening, and think about how I can deal with it all, then wake up back at square one in a blind panic!
I managed ok today after the initial anxiety, and actually managed a half decent lunch/evening meal, first time in 10 days!!!

18-04-16, 15:08
Grrr...reviving an old thread I know, but the tooth grinding is really aggravating because you're not even aware you are doing it half the time! I keep licking my front teeth too and I've made the gum behind them really sore. They are crowns and now I'm worried I'm going to loosen them with all the fiddling around my tongue keeps doing. I really hope this eases up soon because it's driving me mad!

18-04-16, 19:35
Teeth clenching has never left me, I think I'm week 11 now & I still wake up every day with sore teeth & a headache from clenching all night :mad:

18-04-16, 19:46
Rich - we need your magic words lol!

18-04-16, 22:43
It's still happening here too. In the day iv grind my teeth and at night I clench my jaw... It's horrid in a morning. I might have to see my dentist because it's driving me mad :(

18-04-16, 23:42
Its funny as I have started doing this, very slightly but nothing I am concerned about. All I can say is that it will pass, not very wise words I know!!! I'm all wised out for today lol

Hope you all feel better tomorrow!

