View Full Version : Just off to get my balls checked...

04-04-16, 17:02

Been through this before when I found a lump that turned out to be nothing. But over the past week or so I've had quite strong yet dull aching in my right groin area. Really hard to pinpoint the exact location. Sometimes I'm certain it's my testicle, others I think it's a muscle strain in my groin, others I think it's my abdomen.

Trying to tell myself it's a minor issue being made to seem worse by my anxiety. Either way, I suppose I better find out. It seems coincidental that this has flared up just as I've been feeling so much better, but I'm not imagining it. Something isn't right down there, although it doesn't physically look or feel any different to usual.

So yeah, I little story about a man and his balls. Wish me luck! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

04-04-16, 17:37
Haha, love the title!

I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm not a man, but once I had abdomen pain that never went away and I was sure was sinister. Funny thing, it was in-between my HA flare ups so I wasn't overly worried about it at the time! Ended up being either a UTI or a "lady issue" (doc wasn't sure which).

I'm sure your doc will find out what's wrong and it will be totally harmless.

Best of luck. :)

04-04-16, 18:25
How old are you? Testicular cancer is very rare in men over 35. I have a cyst in my right testicle, its benign, found it when I was 19. I am now 34. Like 2.5 years ago, I had a dull ache also in my right groin area for nearly 6 weeks before I got scared enough to see a doctor. Turns out it was from doing heavy squats at the gym, and was some sort of pelvic floor strain. Im sure you are fine. Any sort of pull or strain in the leg can often radiate up in that area.

04-04-16, 18:34
I'm 31 Josh, so still just within the higher risk factor for this particular cancer. To be honest, it's never been something I worry about too much. If I examine myself and there's nothing there, why worry? I don't really blame health anxiety for my earlier post, though. I felt a genuine discomfort in my groin area and went to get it checked out - it's actually what you should do in that situation.

Anyway, the doctor could feel nothing untoward - not even an innocent little cyst. No signs of anything being wrong. The pain is genuine (which is not to say it isn't psychosomatic) so she told me to keep an eye on it and come back if necessary but she seemed very relaxed about it. Got the feeling she thinks anxiety is involved here, and by that I don't mean she wasn't taking me seriously. She just seemed to know what she was doing.

04-04-16, 19:24
Try taking some ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory for a few days, and see how it feels.

04-04-16, 19:39
I've had a lump on each testicle for probably 6 or 7 years. I never got them looked at as I never used to freak out. They'd only be really noticeable after sex or handling them lol. I think it's normal or at least I hope so. I'm glad your visit went well!

04-04-16, 19:57
Is your lower back aching as well? My husband has a bad back and occasionally over the years he gets one sided ball ache for a few days and its from his back - there is a nerve that goes there from the spine:)

Sensible advice from dr to see how it goes, I am sure if it stays she will send you for a scan to be doubly sure.

Love the title of the thread.

04-04-16, 20:16
Is your lower back aching as well? My husband has a bad back and occasionally over the years he gets one sided ball ache for a few days and its from his back - there is a nerve that goes there from the spine:)

Sensible advice from dr to see how it goes, I am sure if it stays she will send you for a scan to be doubly sure.

Love the title of the thread.

Thought I may as well be lighthearted about it. A stranger fondling my privates and neither of us are drunk. Gotta see the funny side.

I find it hard to be sure exactly where the pain is emanating from. I do have some lower back pain, though. Also a bit sore in the thigh and groin muscles. And at times it feels testicular. The fact the doctor sees no urgent need for a scan is pretty reassuring.

04-04-16, 20:30
Thought I may as well be lighthearted about it. A stranger fondling my privates and neither of us are drunk. Gotta see the funny side.

I find it hard to be sure exactly where the pain is emanating from. I do have some lower back pain, though. Also a bit sore in the thigh and groin muscles. And at times it feels testicular. The fact the doctor sees no urgent need for a scan is pretty reassuring.

Hahaha this tickled me .
Lighthearted is always good .

Glad all seems to be well .

04-04-16, 21:34
I don't think any man is likely to get ill from lack of checking his nuts it's a hobby and pass time , now denial and ignoring it is where we balls up excuse the pun , did get an ache down there myself recently but I put it down to swinging the dog lead round and catching an unfortunate one from the clip on the end , if you didn't laugh you'd cry , take care .

05-04-16, 10:39
I laughed at your balls too (that sounds awful of me!)

You're right, if you can laugh about it it's better than panicking.

I remember the first time I saw a GP about my piles as a young man. She asked me a load of questions before doing the KY jelly finger up bum test. I remember her asking if I was gay which she followed up with the fact they have to ask such things and I replied 'no, I'm not that brave' which she laughed at. :D

So now you can pay me back by laughing at my arse and lack of bravery at things going up there. (The later sigmoidoscopy was less fun!)

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ----------

I don't think any man is likely to get ill from lack of checking his nuts it's a hobby and pass time , .

:roflmao:I always thought when the adverts came about this - we've been doing it since childhood and spent a significant amount of time trying to persuade others to do it for us too. :winks:

My eyesight has got worse but I'm not putting it down to this. I'm not sure my GF would fall for it being for "medical reasons" either. :whistles:

05-04-16, 11:47
Yeah had that rectal thing when I had rumbling apendix from a male doctor and doubts I had about my sexuality where quickly confirmed definitely straight , straight and embarrassed to be exact at the time , I think if men had boobs to most would be single and not go out much , we are so lame .

05-04-16, 11:56
Your right there, Buster! :D

I've started growing some moobs so I will have to watch out for spending too much quality time with them. :noangel::D

05-04-16, 12:05
Your right there, Buster! :D

I've started growing some moobs so I will have to watch out for spending too much quality time with them. :noangel::D

Hahaha Terry :roflmao:

05-04-16, 12:08
Well, the pain is getting worse and has spread to the left side. Still can't be certain it's my balls. All I know is it's bloody uncomfortable!

Any excuse to have a fiddle with myself, I guess.

05-04-16, 12:31
If the GP wants to monitor then something perhaps more muscular, nerve related or postural seems likely as countrygirl mentions. You know how bad we can be for muscular tension, bad posture, not enough exercise, etc.

Nerve pains from a bit of inflammation or pinching can cause all sorts of pain in areas we wouldn't think. Look at how far sciatica travels. Whilst I'm wary of suggesting this as it may cause the funny response currently circulating my head :D could some form of massage help? Something like trigger point massage?

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

Hahaha Terry :roflmao:

I'll end up on Babestation at this rate! :roflmao:

05-04-16, 12:43
Something posture-related seems very plausible. I sit awkwardly and have an uncomfortable bed.

The doctor found no sign of cancer so I'm putting some of it down to anxiety. When she told me to monitor it, I think she just meant keep checking as normal. If it doesn't go away I'll go back but I'm sure I'll be fine.

06-04-16, 08:25
Glad everything worked out with your balls (great threat title btw... imagine if it wee a poo problem what the title would have been!). I was getting a clunking a squeeking sound from by front end and had it checked out. Cost me $600! Needed new ball...... joints ;)

Positive thoughts

06-04-16, 08:46
Haha, great read. Fun to see some humor. I remember thinking I had testicular cancer once. I had an ingrown hair on one of my balls and it itched and hurt and I could've sworn at the time it could move. Keep in mind I'm 17 so I know I was within range. After a few weeks it just went away so I can relate there lol.

06-04-16, 10:02
This has triggered a real setback for me. I had a panic attack at about 4am and am still feeling it. Really woozy today. The pain is still there and I still can't place it. My right leg feels weird as well now. At times it feels like it's in my gut or my bladder.

I mean, yeah, I've had worried about my health or I wouldn't be on this forum. But this is different. It really feels like something is going on.