View Full Version : is this anxiety?

04-04-16, 18:43
Sorry if I can't articulate myself very well. I find it hard to describe my symptoms.
The thing is, for about a motnh i've been suffering from pretty severe anxiety.
Now i've mostly calmed down but there is one thing that I can't get out of my head and that is my persistent fear of me having a brain tumor.
For about a week (give or take 1-2 days) I've had a couple of symptoms that just seem to match too well. For starters, my vision ranodmly get's somewhat worse. Like, I have this pressure on the upper and lower eyelid of my left eye that is there for around 80% of the day. Other than that i feal as if my left ear is full. Every time i swallow it makes this weird static sound. Then there is the fact that i can't seem to decide if my memory is fine or not. I can remember everything that i did today,yesterday and so on up to thursday of last week without any real effort but i find myself thinking that something is wrong with my short term memory. And finally, my sleep paterns can't seem to stay the same. Sometimes i sleep 6-7 hours sometimes suddenly 9,5-10 this has been going on for 2 weeks or so with 2 nightmares in between. It didn't start like this at all. around 4 weeks ago i had a lump in my throat that went away after a while. And i for some reason started to google every possible illness i could. After about a week my eyes started to get blurry at random times. that turned into them feeling heavy for some hours. After a week that ended and turned into the current one which is this feeling of them being swollen without them actually being swollen with the ranom vision worsening. Some symptoms only came after i googled an illnes. for example, i googled brain tumors saw that a potential symptom is X and suddenly i have X.
The basic gist of what i'm trying to say is, can all of this be caused by anxiety? My parents (am 20) think that I'm just imagining all of this and that there is nothing wrong with me. I just can't decide if this is anxiety or something else. It's gotten to the point where most of my day is me thinking about this and then wondering(being scared) as to why the day is already over. My perception of time seems flawed as well. For example, right now i can't believe that i've been awake for almost 12 hours. Apart from that the only relevant thing would be the fact that the area above my knees, well, not all of the tigh just the area right above the knee feels really weak and gets easily worn out when i move up stars i had no problems with 2 months ago. People tell me that the anxiety/fear is getting into the knees. this has been going on for a month.
All i want to know if i'm going crazy or if this is really just anxiety like my parents tell me.

04-04-16, 18:59
Hi there!

It certainly sounds like you are suffering from anxiety, especially if your symptoms come and go depending on what you've read online. I've realised the more I'm on my own in the house researching potential illnesses the more 'symptoms' develop (lump in throat, achy neck, tight chest to name a few!) however as soon as I took my son out for a walk these symptoms miraculously disappeared!

My advice would be to see if you can step away from Google for a bit, maybe distract yourself somehow (cinema with friends maybe?) and you may well find you feel a lot better.

There are lots of people out there who feel the same way as you-remember you're not alone!

Good luck xx

04-04-16, 19:07
Thanks a lot!

Yeah, i thought about that too. The symptoms tend to be almost non existent when i wake up. They usually start in the afternoon or 1-2 hours after i wake up. A few days ago everything was fine until 2pm when the symptoms randomly started. I also tend to have 30 min. periods when i feel crystal clear with no problems whatsoever. And if I'm right symptoms of a brain tumor or such should be constant and not come and go all the time.

04-04-16, 19:11
Hi....probably not the response you want...but reading your symptoms has made me feel loads better. I feel exactly the same....my doctor has just (friday) diagnosed me with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. The panic attacks I am learning to control through breathing deeply, counting back from 100 whilst snapping a elastic band on my wrist. I can't stop worrying about the random pains I get....but my doctor has assured me it is all normal. Xxx

04-04-16, 19:12
Definitely! Also remember the chances of you getting a brain tumour are minuscule-if you do genuinely suffer any issues with your vision it's much more likely to be because you need glasses or something simple like that.

I recommend a good box set to take your mind off it all-House of Cards or something that really grabs you so you forget to check Google on your phone until it's over ;-)

04-04-16, 19:17
Hi....probably not the response you want.

Actually, that helped a lot.
1. I'm glad that you feel better :)
2. the fact that you seem to have the exact same problems as me (guessing here but thats what i took from the reply) somewhat calmed me down. I realized that I have depression/anxiety/panic attacks a few weeks ago. I'd much rather deal with those than the thing i'm that scared about.

04-04-16, 19:19
When symptoms jump around, change, come and go, etc... its anxiety. If you had an organic illness, it wouldnt just come and go, and the symptoms wouldnt change from one day having a head pain, to next having a numb ankle, to the next day having sore hands, etc...