View Full Version : Arm ache- heart attack/ anxiety

04-04-16, 19:40
So, I am currently going through a rough patch again.

I had been working in a cardio ward. I started worrying about my heart. I don't usually pick up fears from work but it was a bad period at home which left me more vulnerable to it.

Since my anxiety has been high my reflux is back. This has happened enough to know that this is a pattern for me. I get reflex when I'm anxious.

I keep getting the odd pain in my left arm. Like the odd shooting pain. It happens throughout the day, but never lasts long. I might have the odd minute of on and off pain and sometimes won't get another pain for hours.

So now I'm slightly concerned that I don't have reflux but I've had a series of mini heart attacks.

More likely my anxiety is causing the arm pain due to me focusing on potential heart attack symptoms?

---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------

BTW this has happened twice in the past.

My anxiety gets bad, I get reflux and these arm pains.

I am trying to be rational and tell myself that maybe arm pain like this is a sign of reflux, the pain eases up when I have a good burp.

That and I'm still alive.

I think I'm mostly in control but I just need a little bit of reassurance if that is ok.

04-04-16, 19:59
You wouldn't be typing if you were having a heart attack.

05-04-16, 17:55
Thanks Josh :)

Female healthanxiety
05-04-16, 19:07
I went through the whole heart scare thing for years (am 33 now).

As I was always in hospital as my grandad had a heart attack ad my sister was I. Hospital for a separate matter too I was ways around the sick.

I think 99% of anxiety sufferers have a paranoia about there heart.

I always used to think all the stress of me panicking and being daily stressed bound too - BUT it is just anxiety.

We all suffer physically differently, some of my HA friends have stomach issues, some have heart some have head.

I personally always feel stuff in my left arm and chest, never on the right! But I'm typing this so must have been the anxiety for years! It's just where you anxiety 'goes'

Like me you sound like you could do with a daily massage! And the aches and pains are probably based around that too. I also have reflux daily and also on a daily tablet (make you feel a bit better knowing that? :-) ) why not try a tablet, as you know they are harmless and may stop your conveyer belt with your thinking.

Hope you feel better soon xxx we've all been there and the heart is always the main one with anxiety xx

08-04-16, 19:17

I do take tablets for reflux. I just started them again three days ago. I have only noticed I get reflux when I'm anxious but I never know what comes first, the reflux or anxiety! I don't take the tablets regularly as I have many months free of it.

I have had arm pains for four days now, well not painful pain and they are very off and on and I keep thinking my arm feels tingly.

I haven't felt this anxious for a long time. I am 34 so old enough for a heart attack now!

I don't want to be here again. I don't want to be ill again. How do I stop this? I was doing so well.