View Full Version : What might this be?

04-04-16, 21:28
Hi everyone! It's been such a long time since I've been on here but I've got a niggle that's threatening to resurface my health anxiety (which is solely about bowel cancer) and I'd like to prevent that if possible. There's no one I can really chat to about this but I know I can depend on this forum.

Basically I went back to work in January after a year of maternity leave. Since then I've had frequent sensations of coming down with a cold that never actually makes an appearance (so I feel a bit achey, tired, mucous in my throat and my nose feels stuffy) with that I get an ache under my left ribs and left shoulder and some gurgling and burning. I also get smelly wind, a bad taste in my mouth and a real sensation of nausea but I've never been sick. There's no change in my bowel movements and no blood thankfully. It's not constant, it doesn't wake me overnight but it does occur quite often.

In terms of my lifestyle, I hold down an almost full time job whilst doing wraparound care for my two very little boys (3 and 1) and exercise 4-6 times a week. I hardly drink, don't smoke and eat an extremely healthy diet. I'm very busy, don't rest much and do feel quite stressed most of the time. My really bad habit is drinking too much coffee. I can get through up to 8 strong cups on a bad day.

I'm just wondering what people think might be happening? I was thinking perhaps I might have an ulcer? Should I worry? Obviously in the back of my mind that I have cancer. I'd like to try and stop those thoughts and replace them with some more rational ones.

Thanks for reading xxx

04-04-16, 21:51
Potentially GERD? That would explain a fair amount of your symptoms.

I get acid reflux when anxious I believe. You regurgitate and irritate your throat and it can feel constricted like mucus is in your throat.