View Full Version : Palpitations

04-04-16, 21:54
Hi there
Im after words of wisdom .... I've been having a feeling as though my heart is skipping a beat most days. When it happens it feels like it skips about 2 to 3 times then a normal beat and so on for about 5 minutes. Some days I can hardly notice them and then out of the blue for no apparent reason they return. I had a panic attack about 4 weeks ago which resulted in me going to A&E where they did a ECG and bloods ... All normal. My blood pressure is slightly raised I think due to my anxious state and I am sometimes lightheaded dizzy. All my family say it's due to my anxitey. Does anyone else have this ????
Sorry for the lengthy post I appriecate any replys.

Female healthanxiety
04-04-16, 23:58
These are called ectopic heart beats and are very very common.

I panicked about 2 years ago with me and went A&E and was told that with anxiety they are very normal. I now don't drink caffeine because of that reason (I had 2 cups on the day of that attack).

Try and not worry, if you feel anxious your body is going to react. Mine generally came every day, but once you realise that they are linked to your anxiety you start not worrying about them so much.

Just think it's the adrenaline and nothing else.


05-04-16, 08:20
Thank you for your reply.
I have also stopped caffeine. I just panic when I have them just because I wonder if it could be something wrong. I have read through the posts on here and It seems loads of people have them. It's just they are so random I could deal with it when I'm upset anxious but when I'm not it doesn't add up. I'm Constantine checking my pulse. I just want them to stop 😓

07-04-16, 11:11
I too suffer from these and have done past 7 years I'm still here , some are so scarey as they give one strong painful heartbeat makes me take a panic attack . I've had echo ekd bloods and alls grand . It helps when I take less caffeine and chocolate etc .mine are at their worse up to a week before my period and during this is all to do with your hormone change ��hope this settles ure mind x

---------- Post added at 11:11 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

The more you worry and think about them the more you will have them .i work with heart patients and never do I see a young woman on the ward .. I feel bad saying this as I am totally obsessed with my heart but it's good to see so many have this . Being anxious makes them worse . I swim a lot and sometimes it makes them come which results in me getting out if the pool . But u are fine try not to think about them

07-04-16, 11:56
I have had them for30 years and at their worst every 3rd beat was an ectopic one and this would go on for up to 2 weeks at a time. I find they come and go so I can go months and months and barely notice them maybe once a day then suddenly they will go mad. I have had them caught on ecg many times. Cardiologists have told me that they are horrible but harmless and only anxious people feel them - yes!

I find mine are at their worst when I first lay down in bed at night and position makes a difference. They are worse if I eat in the hour before going to bed as a full stomach can trigger them as can an empty stomach as well.
Strangely last night when i went to bed they were so bad they worried me as when I laid down I had constant ectopics that went away when i sat up but I had eaten late and gone straight to bed.

Taking a deep breath and coughing can stop them although they may come back but keep doing it. The more you worry the more you get. My worst time was when my mother was terminally ill with cancer and I ended up in hospital with them being monitered - now I realise it was due to the stress.

02-05-16, 17:29
Thank you so much for your replys. It really means a lot to me. I did wonder whether it could be hormone related, but as they happen daily it's hard to pin point. Countrygirl when I take a deep breath I can sometimes feel another skipped beat , did you experience the same ??

02-05-16, 17:33
I have had them for about 25 years. I've had numerous tests and all were fine. They are scary but they are harmless. I know lots of people who have them. I used to jump up and have a complete panic attack when I'd get them. Now I feel them still but I know they are going to pass and they always do. don't worry

02-05-16, 19:28
Yes exactly the breathing in almost seems to cause them!

Nikita is another person like me who had had them for a very long time. Accepting them and not being scared by them helps alot but they are never exactly pleasant to experience!