View Full Version : My Story

05-04-16, 00:34
Im currently at university and have been suffering with GAD for about the last 8 months, ever since i had a violent flu/vomit bug that really affected me. Up until the last few weeks i have been certain that i have had a fear of vomiting, however, after visiting my GP i have been made aware that i have always had mild anxiety and this vomiting fear has just exaggerated it.

I feel better in my self now that in know what it is but still struggle when anxiety attacks appear. The feelings that occur of those of rapid heart rate, tight chest, dizziness and feeling sick.

Does anyone have an suggestions as how to conquer these feelings, particularly the feeling sick as that still has left a bit of a mental scar.

To help me i use Bachs rescue remedy to calm myself down but havnt found that any breathing exercises are helping - perhaps due to me not fully engaging in them as i dont feel relaxed enough to do them when an attack occurs.

05-04-16, 09:24
Distraction is a good method. Keeping your mind occupied. Also some gentle exercise like walking helps to ease the symptoms.
Knowledge gives control, so do a bit of research as to why you have these symptoms. It helps if you can understand what's happening to you.
There's plenty of information right here on No More Panic.