View Full Version : How to cope? Please read.

05-04-16, 17:37
I wasn`t sure where to put this topic, however...

After losing the person that I love the most, some months ago I met someone. No, it is not a crush, it is not like I fell in love with this person, it is not a sexual kind of relationship, but she is really giving me some hope. My days became brighter and I started to smile again.
She is giving me a sense of comfort and consolation. So she is more like a friend of mine, but even more than that... It`s hard to explain. However, at least now I have someone who makes my day beautiful.

I started this "friendship" even thought I knew that our ways are going to separate. We have a month left, then we will have to be apart. Forever, maybe. I don`t know when I will see her again.

How to cope when I know that I have only a month left to be near her? I feel like it is too much for me, in such a short time. I don`t want to become depressed again. Please help.