View Full Version : Cold chills/sweats/tiredness for hours flu

05-04-16, 19:49
Had the flu since Saturday it was getting better a bit today got up done some housework went back to bed was up 4 hours now I have no energy no appetite had cold shivers and sweats even at the radiator slept another few hours am I dying?

Not had my dinner yet either. :ohmy:

06-04-16, 00:06
No you're fine its just coming to the end of the flu, you're sweating it out which is good! Also you're tired because your body has spent all its energy fighting the flu which leaves you very tired. Try and keep warm even if you're hot, drink plenty of water and gets some rest :)

06-04-16, 05:02
You just feel dog rough from it, Phil. It will pass. Plenty of fluids and vitamin C, it helps your body fight it.

06-04-16, 05:11
Would you be scared if your broken arm had pain? No, you wouldn't, so why are you scared to have flu symptoms while you have the flu??!

06-04-16, 10:12
I'm just worried after 3 days in bed back to work tomorrow but I don't feel any better yet not sleeping well

06-04-16, 16:40
It takes like 2 weeks to recover from the flu, dude lol

06-04-16, 18:03
I wouldn't even think of going back to work until you can manage at least a day out of bed feeling normal. Be kind to yourself and let your body heal. x

06-04-16, 22:31
I wouldn't even think of going back to work until you can manage at least a day out of bed feeling normal. Be kind to yourself and let your body heal. x

If I don't make work I get no sick pay for atleast a week would have to claim from government I believe

That would worry me how I pay the bills next month but if I'm really bad course I can't do

I can only get up and about after a dose of Paracetamol if I don't take this I can't move will it go away overnight or more slowly? I don't think I've had flu this intense before

I'm worried I might develop a weak immune system now and have to give up work forget will this happen?

---------- Post added at 22:31 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ----------


Ate dinner at 10.30pm just had to drink it down with milk As I've no appetite no taste nothing I'm worried I will die with me hardly eating much food?

06-04-16, 22:58
It takes like 2 weeks to recover from the flu, dude lol

Which makes worry over the flu as irrational as all those cancer & brain tumor ones, etc on this board. The anxiety part can still be just as bad though so I don't see how another person's irrational worry is a "lol"? :shrug:

07-04-16, 23:07

Made work but still feel bad my cough has got worse I avoided Paracetamol today so managed

Ate breakfast and lunch soup but I struggle with dinner I can't eat a big meal got no appetite ..I was nearly sick at the slight of oven chips tonight still feel yuck as I tried to eat them so may have to buy a deep fat fryer ..

I'm quite fussy and other than spaghetti or baked potatoes I eat chips with every meal I only like one flavour of soup what else can I eat for dinner that's enough to eat?

When will my appetite return? It's been a good 5 days now 3/4 days bad come this Saturday a week but not there yet maybe leaving home was progress back in bed now..

I'm worried I will die if I don't try and eat a traditional meal for dinner and tonight was almost sick so what can I do? My eyes are red and look unwell people at work noticed im worried I may need a doctor to clear it up but will it pass itself?

Anybody help? :ohmy::blush:

07-04-16, 23:14
Just eat little portions for now if it's all you can manage. Your appetite will just come back on it's own.

Soup, toast, just things to keep you going.

07-04-16, 23:24
Well done for managing work - and with no paracetamol. Flu takes time to get over, so keep being kind to yourself and hop into bed when you get home.
Try not to worry about food. As long as you are drinking plenty you will be fine. Stick to soup (even if it's the same flavour) as it's easy to get down. It doesn't matter for a few more days. Could you repeat what you had for breakfast in the evening? Do you like milkshake? You could try Complan or similar as they are full of vitamins etc. Your appetite will gradually come back and you will soon start feeling better. x

07-04-16, 23:30
Which makes worry over the flu as irrational as all those cancer & brain tumor ones, etc on this board. The anxiety part can still be just as bad though so I don't see how another person's irrational worry is a "lol"? :shrug:

his fear isnt irrational, its him acting like 3 days is enough time to recover from the flu. its a matter of fact, not fear.

07-04-16, 23:59
his fear isnt irrational, its him acting like 3 days is enough time to recover from the flu. its a matter of fact, not fear.

Fearing death over the flu isn't irrational? Why not?

It's no different from all the headache threads on here where people are worrying about brain tumors.

It's irrational because it is being perceived as something far worse than it is. Worry. Without anxiety in play, it would just be a pain in the arse cold/flu.


08-04-16, 00:38
I think anxiety has played some part because it says what if it doesn't go away and I go to a doctor and they say it's worse? I've read up a lot and had loads of feedback and people say proper flu is worse than a cold and you don't get flu that often some people hardly ever have it.

And my anxiety makes me worry how I can sort my life maybe my diets poor or worry about the air pollution. My anxiety side worries as I was ill in November with a flu or cold passed quicker, sickness bug in March and now this in April. Good news I had some ice cream I hope I can avoid being sick with those chips I'm to take my mind off things

Since i moved out I don't cook much meat or proper meals as when you start up you like takeaways or tins quick food and I get 5 hours sleep I want to fix all that.

Usually I only catch a mild cold every year the odd year a bad one. My anxiety is working it all out possibly it's just bad luck this year or last six months the bugs or flu but my anxiety worries I'm on the decline

Yes I will stick to soups and smaller protions it was silly to attempt a meal force of habbit for years with anxiety was of I never ate much or a meal I use to lose weight and being slim already I worried I would die? That was my worry so that's why I use to try and force a full meal. I stopped going out for dinner at lunch and soup in evening sort of thing too that people do because I may get ill.

Also my worries are what if the flu comes back for another dose? In Google I read it can? Maybe me being ill a few times on six months is the sign of me being very ill? I just want to feel at ease again when I'm ill my anxiety goes through the roof. :blush:

---------- Post added at 00:38 ---------- Previous post was at 00:37 ----------

One more question the flu comes on quick will the recovery be longer e.g more time for appetite to come back I won't take up one day just fine? I remember the sick bug I thought it would never pass.

08-04-16, 04:48
Sometimes we go through phases like this, Phil. I remember when I was at primary school I was forever ill with some sort of cold or infection. For many years now it's rare for me to have them despite being in pretty poor physical shape in my opinion. There are things you can do to give you immune system a helping hand and from there see how it goes. But I wouldn't be worrying about something sinister due to a few spaced out events. My mum has bouts of colds that seem to go and come back so she feels like she's had one for over a month. Sometimes these bugs just seem to dip away and pop back again.

You won't starve. Your body will be telling you it is extremely hungry long before then. Malnutrition is very unpleasant, starvation is extremely painful. It's common for taste buds to change due to colds and all the extra mucus can cause some nausea too as it unsettles your stomach. This can make eating a real chore and you don't feel hungry for a short while, but it won't be for long. So, listen to your body and try not to overload it so you don't get stodged up or feel the nausea more. You might lose a few pounds but the minute you start eating again, it will come back on easily. Changes can be due to water levels anyway as that tends to be what we lose first - but keeping hydrated is what is needed with these things as out bodies are working harder, raising temperature, sweating more and needing to flush more toxins out.

Whether it comes & goes quickly, starts slowly, ends quickly, sore throat or no sore throat, streaming nose or just bunged or both, etc I couldn't say. They can be different and sometimes it feels like they miss a step e.g. no streaming nose. Perhaps it's the strain? It's likely more a question for a medical professional who understands the differences and what is currently out there affecting people since strains can change anyway. They will probably know since there is usually "something going round" so they have circulars from the NHS about it and observe it in their surgeries.

Colds are very common, throat & chest infections, etc but flu is less common. Flu tends to put you on your backside in bed more. If you need help with infections or it keeps getting worse or just won't go, see a GP. Flu isn't a big issue unless you are in an "at risk" group e.g. elderly, child, physical condition that can be affected by infections, etc. Beyond that your body will likely sort it on it's own or maybe some antibiotics are needed.

08-04-16, 04:50
Fearing death over the flu isn't irrational? Why not?

It's no different from all the headache threads on here where people are worrying about brain tumors.

It's irrational because it is being perceived as something far worse than it is. Worry. Without anxiety in play, it would just be a pain in the arse cold/flu.


Again, not the worry, but the length of time issue. No one recovers from a flu in 3 days.

08-04-16, 06:16
How about mashed potatoes with cheese on instead of oven chips. Don't worry about having a big traditional dinner just have whatever you fancy. Try to drink plenty though :)

08-04-16, 06:24
Again, not the worry, but the length of time issue. No one recovers from a flu in 3 days.

Then we are talking about different things.

10-04-16, 09:19
Update I feel a bit better slowly but my appetite is only coming back very slow.

My symptoms which remain are: Sweating during the night (bit of a pain as it means changing sheets every day or two), blocked nose still with green gunk, quite a bad cough.

At the moment no other symptoms when can I expect all those symptoms to pass?

10-04-16, 09:28
With flu there's very little you can do except wait for it to pass I'm afraid... It's horrible though but you'll get better! You won't die if you don't eat a full meal tonight. Be guided by what your body is telling you it wants.. If you just have soup and a sandwich etc then that's fine. I do think it sounds like you rushed back to work too fast.... Everyone looks rubbish when they've had flu...it really knocks you about.

10-04-16, 09:44
With flu there's very little you can do except wait for it to pass I'm afraid... It's horrible though but you'll get better! You won't die if you don't eat a full meal tonight. Be guided by what your body is telling you it wants.. If you just have soup and a sandwich etc then that's fine. I do think it sounds like you rushed back to work too fast.... Everyone looks rubbish when they've had flu...it really knocks you about.

I know going back to work not ideal but when I get no sick pay without claiming it off the government which is hassle I think or of it was only a week I was off they don't give you anything it's just such a worry trying to pay the bills. It's not fair as council workers get full sick pay for being off even for months at a time. Anytime I've been ill I have to rush back day after because I have to pay my mortgage all I can do is relay on good savings or something.

I work in a shop so yes everybody could see I wasn't well and my work were not bothered putting me on a till when I lost my voice :ohmy:

11-04-16, 12:24
Update few days off work now as its my days off

My nose is like cut or bleeding and under my nose dry skin now due to the constant sniffing.

The night sweats are still happening my sheets are awful smelling when will this stop?

I've got energy now bit more appetite but still on soap at dinner. Because my taste buds have been off I've went off fizzy juice drinking milk alot a lot as I can taste it

Will it take more time to get rid of these other symptoms?

12-04-16, 00:27
Nobody help? Could I have a viral infection that will be a sort of flu and go away itself aswell does my body need time to recover from having it or something?

12-04-16, 04:54
Nobody help? Could I have a viral infection that will be a sort of flu and go away itself aswell does my body need time to recover from having it or something?

Yes, it's common to spend over a week with a simple cold. Even then the mucus can take longer.

Your body is fighting whatever you have but it's not as efficient as antibiotics so it takes a bit longer.

Sometimes such things also cause chest/throat infections so they can go on longer. If you start coughing up any yellow/green mucus, it could be something like that.

12-04-16, 09:55
Yes, it's common to spend over a week with a simple cold. Even then the mucus can take longer.

Your body is fighting whatever you have but it's not as efficient as antibiotics so it takes a bit longer.

Sometimes such things also cause chest/throat infections so they can go on longer. If you start coughing up any yellow/green mucus, it could be something like that.

Yes the mucus is coming mostly from my nose as I try and avoid swallowing as I heard it returns it to the body and I had bad experiences in the past I would cough it all back up not nice.

Well I now wonder who gave me it must have been air Bourne perhaps customers who came into my work coughing?

Anyway I hope it clears up to ease my worry

12-04-16, 23:49
So when can I expect these night sweats to go it I step under the covers my legs are soaking of sweat and it smells as I sweat away all night?

13-04-16, 05:06
Yeah, if you work with people, coughs & colds are the norm. I always worked in retail or offices and the latter were really bad for things spreading (poor air con a lot of the time). It just happens.

If you swallow the mucus, your stomach will deal with it. It can make you feel a bit nauseous when you are streaming though because of the volume you swallow. Don't worry though, your lungs are equipped to expel it, hence you coughing it back up. It's inevitable that it is leaking down the back of the throat anyway and the body handles it.

I don't know, it's been so long since I've had the flu. Colds can take a good week or longer so a couple of weeks seems likely with the flu. If you are not off work and in bed all the time, it's not as bad as some flu gets or perhaps you are in good physical condition. Anyway, what matters is that you have seen some improvement.

13-04-16, 18:20
I've had a bloody gunk or salt taste in my mouth is this flu? I can feel myself sniffing it's defo cut back in a sense I went up town for one hour today first time I have pushed myself to get the bus in 2 weeks and my anxiety has been worse about going out like I say in another thread.

I got it worse this time so I've had longer to worry about clearing it up. I realise with health anxiety you can get hoovered up in ideas what you got but not always anything but I sort of worried that much I said well I can't have everything? Plus I hate going to doctors these days anyway after I use to be very bad at going over every chest pain I try to be like most people that may try and only use if you are really in need of help?

Is this the best way for me to deal with any spells of HA or how I'm handling it? I need my OCD sometimes to me my mind busy as if I don't replace with another anxiety I get worries which made me not leave the house which is worse? I should be honest and say I sort of need OCD sometime as when it leaves I'm at risk of chest pains or worse anxiety I've never been able to root out my anxiety or believe I can replace with something non anxiety. Basically theropy helped tried meds but the distraction element like watching tv doesn't last.

At the moment until I can find something to fill my mind rather than anxiety based worries I believe I will be on these forums I think my cleaning OCD has eased to a degree I can clean and forget however more anxiety pops up? What do I do?