View Full Version : cancer again!

06-03-07, 14:53
Hi every1. Havent been on for a while but im worried out my brains again. This time i think i have cancer of the oesophagus! I keep getting this weird feeling in my throat that keeps coming and going. It feels like there is something stuck there when i swallow. Its where the adams apple is on a man if that helps! Its really sore when im eating. Ive had my tonsils out when i was younger so i know it cant be that. Also i have this horrible tickle at the back of my throat thats making me constantly cough! (also a sign of oesophegal cancer) Another problem ive got is that my voice is very hoarse. That also keeps coming and going! I do smoke but have done for years, Its never changed my voice before. Please someone tell me they,ve had these symptoms and it could be nothing! Im really starting to panic!

Aly xx

06-03-07, 15:32
Hi Aly,

My dad had oesophagus cancer before secondary cancer in his lungs. He had no pain with his whatsoever just big big problems swallowing. i think what you have is globus hystericus which is common with anxiety as I get it when I'm going through a wee blip. Read some of the posts on the forum about swallowing as it's very common with anxiety. I very much doubt you have oesophagus cancer Aly but I know where our thoughts take us when we get a symptom that won't go away I've been there. Big hugs for you and please read some of the posts about swallowing to put your mind at rest. xxx

Dan D
06-03-07, 16:31
My Nan had oesophagus cancer. She became anaemic and had huge problems swallowing; she was also constantly being sick and feeling very very weak so i doubt you have it.

It might just be the start of a cough, or the flu.

06-03-07, 21:44
sounds like globus , or with the hoarseness it could be simple acid reflux, the other posters are right, oc doesnt usually present with those symptoms, anxiety causes so many gastro intestinal symptoms as i am sure other people will testify to. Try not to focus on it as it will only worsen your symptoms.

07-03-07, 13:16
Thanks every 1, Ive read up on Globus and it could well be that. Ive got an appoinment at docs on friday anyway for something else so i might just mention it and see what he says. Just to put my mind at rest. Thanx again

Aly xx

07-03-07, 14:37
I've just been to the doctors today about the pain i keep getting in the centre of my chest (thinking something wrong with my oesophagus, along with the other symptoms i am having. Hoarse, problems swollowing, pain in back). I've been given some pills and if that doesn't work then i am going to have to have a camera down my throat. Fabulous.

Good luck for your appointment :)
