View Full Version : constantly worried about Brain Tumour

06-04-16, 18:09
I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for many years now, but around Christmas time I started feeling very strange. Detached, dizzy, headaches, pain and numbness in my face, my right eyelid also keeps dropping almost like I'm having a stroke (I'm not). Strangely, I didn't feel anxious at all, just worried about having a brain tumour.

I saw the doctor and he concluded after a few tests that it was all anxiety. Which I agree with to an extent, but some certain symptoms still have me worried.


Can a droopy eyelid on one side and slight numbness on that side be caused by anxiety?
Has anyone else had these kind of brain tumour panics before?

Cheers xx

06-04-16, 18:39
I'm currently going through the same with headaches every month..I've been keeping a diary & I get a 2 day headache every month. I've had one since yesterday in various areas of my head .You mentioned a droopy eye lid maybe it's worth seeing an optician you may well have ptosis which is harmless..I'm trying to think rationally but I like you keep thinking the worst about my headaches I don't sleep well and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it.

06-04-16, 19:28
Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about your similar worries.
If it makes you feel better I think that headaches from brain tumours are usually constant and very deep. If you're worried you should see a doctor, but if you're like me that wont give you much piece of mind anyway :p

09-04-16, 08:15
I'm still feeling a bit under the weather & tired.. Although the headache is more or less gone I've got what feels like a pain behind my ear & up the side of my head it's not throbbing but more of a pulling tight pain .. Anyone experienced this I can't help thinking the worst :(

09-04-16, 20:35
well, that means you have had a brain tumor for at least 4 months or longer. Im pretty sure you'd know by now if you had one or not. cancer is abnormal growth of cells. symptoms dont come and go.

11-04-16, 12:04
I do have light headedness and do feel detatched quite a lot but not all the time its weird and it gets to me but i've started dealing with it better in the last two weeks, i would liek to know the cause of it though

11-04-16, 12:06
Either during or after migraines one of my eyelids would look 'droopy' it was definitely smaller than the other eye anyway. Not sure if migraines do this but it happened to me a lot

11-04-16, 22:05
I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for many years now, but around Christmas time I started feeling very strange. Detached, dizzy, headaches, pain and numbness in my face, my right eyelid also keeps dropping almost like I'm having a stroke (I'm not). Strangely, I didn't feel anxious at all, just worried about having a brain tumour.

I saw the doctor and he concluded after a few tests that it was all anxiety. Which I agree with to an extent, but some certain symptoms still have me worried.


Can a droopy eyelid on one side and slight numbness on that side be caused by anxiety?
Has anyone else had these kind of brain tumour panics before?

Cheers xx

I have had droopy eyelid since I was a child and no doctor has ever thought I had a brain tumor although they have given me a ct scan on my head and everywhere in between there and my feet. This was about four years ago.Also the numbness can be caused by anxiety but much more important can be caused by tmj. From what you described I have experienced both and there are many people that have to here on NMP. Good luck to you and hope you feel better soon.