View Full Version : 6 weeks and no improvement

06-04-16, 19:54
Hello everyone I hope you are all well.

I have been on citalopram 20mg now for 6 weeks and can honestly say I don't feel like they are doing anything at all. It's like they are not even touching me.
I don't have side effects not do I have any good effects.
It's like I am taking them for no reason and wouldn't even notice if I stopped.
They say you should feel SOME benefits within 4-6 weeks and they are doing nothing for me.

I don't kno what to do. Should I go to the doctor and discuss options. I don't know if an increased dose will help when 20mg is doing nothing for me.
It's very disappointing to see no results when I have been waiting and waiting.
I might just come off them all together I'd still feel the same.

07-04-16, 09:11
I would definitely speak to your Dr, is this the first treatment you've tried?

07-04-16, 09:38
I was similar except the side effects got worse and worse.
I felt no benefit from the tablets at all.

Samantha choc lover
07-04-16, 10:37
Hi Dan
I think it would be a good idea to see your doctor and explain about your medication. He might advise increasing the dose, or changing to something more suitable. I've taken cit for the last ten years on and off for panic and anxiety at 20mg. In the beginning they were brilliant for me, but i think as the years have gone by, not so good. I upped my dose with the gp 2 weeks ago to 30mg because of a setback, and the higher dose has helped. Hope you feel better soon Dan. :)

---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 ----------

Oops your doc could be a she ( sorry!!). x

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ----------

Oops your gp could be a she!!!, sorry. :)

07-04-16, 13:59
Hey Dan, I wouldn't take any notice of the 2 - 4 week period, it took me 9 - 10 weeks to feel any benefit last time around and that was at 40mg.

Citalopram really is a good drug and many people do benefit from it. I always had the same thoughts, like I just want to come off this rubbish and when I did it made things worse.

I think i'm on week 3 or 4 now @ 30mg, but only 30mg in the last week or so. I am not feeling better either, although I have had some up days but I'm currently on a bad run feeling crap. Maybe you should make the jump to 40mg? speak to your doctor first of course. I am going to make the jump soon. I would say if you have experienced nothing at 6 weeks on 20 its time to increase.

Stay strong buddy.
