View Full Version : please please help

07-04-16, 11:34
ok i have major health aniexty under crisis team

started getting left arm pain and jaw pain last friday i tried to ignore by monday iwas terrfied had paramedic out run ecg came back normal sinus rhythm but then paramedic said heart attacks dont always show on ecg so i was like omg!

still getting arm pain and jaw been 7 days im terrfied im going to drop dead any minute from heart attack or heart problem

in past iv had loads ecgs holter and 24 hour all normal

only other thing scaring me is i have an old ecg and some of the measurements at top quite a bit lower then new one but i dont know anything about ecgs

would a heart attack last seven days?
can aniexty cause jaw and arm pain at the same time
i havent gone to a and e because i go way 2 much and they even question me now when i go and refuse tests
im 25 f i just dont remeber having these symptoms before
plz help
at wits end

07-04-16, 11:41

Firstly you would not be able to sit and type out all of this if you were having a HA.

The pain in the jaw and arm would more likely be to do with the way you are treating your body through stress and worry.
We sometimes clench our jaw without even knowing it and hunch our shoulders when we are stressed.
We cause all sorts of problems when we think something bad is going to happen to us.
You can get chest pain from eating your food nervously and causing heartburn and indigestion.
Try to occupy your mind with tasks to take the worry away. :)

07-04-16, 11:54
thank you so much for your response i have to admit im doubting heart attack abit more because it been so long but i cant seem to let go it serious im in constant panic mode at the moment im restless and on edge i have impending death feeling so strong :(

07-04-16, 12:13
I know tiredofthis14. It's not a nice feeling. I have been there.
Honestly the best thing is to distract. The more you distract, the less you will dwell on the issues of the feeling of doom.
Try to think logically. When you feel like this again, ask yourself, have I just eaten, it could be trapped wind or indigestion. Am I hunching my shoulders, stooping?
I know the feeling of the feeling right and feeling like death is approaching, I've had it many, many times, but I can assure you that it is just a feeling brought on by the mind and the fear of what could happen to you.
Hey, look at the positives; I am still here! :)

07-04-16, 12:23
hehe thank you i know my aniexty is out of control at the moment as well
i started accepting it wasnt a heart attack then looked at ecg and saw the three numbers measurements at top were quite abit different so that set me off but they both said normal ecg sinus rhythm so guess i should accept that

07-04-16, 12:54
I used to take my blood pressure with a home machine.
Got rid of it now.
It was one of the best steps I could take for not me freaking me out.

Sometimes you are better off not knowing all the statistics and 'safe' and 'unsafe' readings. Eat well, exercise, do things that make you happy, sleep and relax and make positives in your life. That's the answer. :)

07-04-16, 12:54
in past iv had loads ecgs holter and 24 hour all normal

would a heart attack last seven days? No
can aniexty cause jaw and arm pain at the same time Yes, anxiety can cause all sorts of physical symptoms as I described in your previous post

i havent gone to a and e because i go way 2 much and they even question me now when i go and refuse tests That's because there's nothing physically wrong

Sorry you're still struggling with this. As was said, quit the smoking, exercise and eat properly and you and your heart will live a long and healthy life :)

PS... keep treating the anxiety!

Positive thoughts

07-04-16, 13:05
thank you always there with good advice
i had cbt yesterday gave me worksheets and im keeping a diary
im not allowed contact with my sister as i constantly ask her questions and it first thing i have to break
it constant what if!

07-04-16, 13:18
The worksheet/diary is a great idea as it's a step in the right direction to break the reassurance habit. I suggested this to another member too.

If you find yourself spiraling, write down your thoughts as you might write them here on the boards. Go distract yourself with something... anything (clean the kitchen, listen to music, go for a walk etc.). Wait a minimum of 2-3 hours, go back and read what you wrote. If at that time you feel you need to post, then do so but I think you'll find waiting and allowing your mind to calm a bit that you'll find the initial fear/worry or symptom has lessened and see the irrationality of your thoughts.

Keep working at it! I applaud you for taking steps to help yourself. You're way ahead of the game for doing so!

Positive thoughts

07-04-16, 13:41
thank you i keep the diary with me so i can write as soon as i think i have something called calming colouring too which im trying to do to keep myself distracted today probly hardest day so far it awful! racing thoughts ect

07-04-16, 14:04
I think when we are like this, we constantly need reassurance. We turn to the people that will be honest with us and still it is not enough. We then have to see if anyone else has something similar on here and then we still need a professional to confirm.
Unfortunately, that is still not enough.
You see, the more you doubt their answer and ask the 'what If's', the more the anxiety will feed off of that.
You have to feed the brain with, 'It's ok', it's nothing to worry about.
It takes time to do this and really feel calm and accept, but it does work in the long run.
If you have a pain somewhere and still carry on colouring a book or something, this will help the brain to realise that you do no t have to panic over the feeling.
You may still feel anxious, worried, and panicky, but in time it will subside and the symptoms with it. :)

07-04-16, 14:16
thank you very much that is very true its just not enough anymore I was sat frozen to same spot all morning then thought ok say there is something wrong with my heart sitting here worrying wont changr outcome so I got up had a bath I can literally feel the tension everywhere I feel awful it kids half term and they barely done anything unless it with their dad feel like awful mum

07-04-16, 14:21
i always get a very sore/tense upper back when im anxious