View Full Version : Health Anxiety & Living Alone?!

07-04-16, 11:59
Hi there,
so I´ve been suffering from Health Anxiety for almost a year now. How I got there is a pretty long story & really doesn´t matter that much. As I am a studying Psychology 600km away from my parents´ home, I started living alone 1.5 years ago (before the anxiety started). It all went pretty well so far because I´ve mostly been away for around 8 weeks only. Now it´s gonna be 4 months & I don´t have an as busy schedule at uni as I used to. Right now I´ve been home at my parents´ for almost 2 months and my anxiety has set pretty low in general. Tomorrow I´m going back to my own place though and my anxiety has suddenly set in again. I´m scared I´ll get seriously sick while my parents are about a 6 hour drive away & that I won´t know when/how to get help. I do live with a flatmate but we´re not exactly friends, rather co-existing really, so that doesn´t help. My mom has always been the only one to be able to calm me down & here I can just go & tell her that something´s aching & she´ll easily talk me down. Being at uni that doesn´t go so easy.
Any tips on how I could make this easier on myself?? Has anyone had a similar experience & got out of it okay?

07-04-16, 12:47
People get sick all the time but very few young people suffer serious illnesses. Yeah, a flu is pretty miserable but something that would be life threatening? The odds are in your favor for nothing like that happening and you do have people around that could assist if needed.

I lived alone for close to 10 years after my divorce. During that time I suffered my 1st heart attack... alone. If you do become ill to the point of needing a doctor, then you pick up the phone like anyone else would and make an appointment or go to the urgent care. If you find yourself alone, seriously hurt or ill and need immediate help, you go to the hospital or call emergency services.

In essence, you take care of yourself like anyone else would in that kind of situation. I get it... the Mom thing. When I was your age, on my own and got sick, it was Mom who would tell me it would be alright and bring over a big pot of chicken soup. I think a part of that remains inside our whole lives but it's just a part of growing up and we all get out of that phase eventually by necessity.

Positive thoughts