View Full Version : Right side of face and right arm asleep

07-04-16, 13:17
Been doing pretty well for the last couple weeks with the exception of some back pain at the bottom of my shoulder blades which instantly made me think of my pancreas except no abdominal pain really. Now just as I was doing better I fell asleep in our recliner last night and woke up am hour later tothe right side of my face ,lips, and arm to what felt like it was asleep. I instantly tried to smile and lift my arm which I had no problem doing, just felt asleep. The feeling came back within a few minutes. Do you think I just fell asleep on my arm wrong or with my neck kinked wrong? Now I'm constantly thinking about it and feeling all kinds of tingles over my body now. Any help would be so appreciated. Thanks everyone.

07-04-16, 13:23
This happen just after you woke up?

07-04-16, 13:32
It was already like that when I woke. Happens often to an arm if I fall asleep wrong but never my face but it was the same feeling.

07-04-16, 13:36
Sounds like you may have just been laid on it funny mate, especially if the numbness goes and isn't constantly there. Obviously if you're concerned see someone about it but it sounds completely normal to me.

07-04-16, 13:47
Yeah it went away after a few minutes just as your arm does when it falls asleep, I wasn't really thinking stroke or anything because I didnt have any drooping or speech problems, just a numb face and arms. Went to my bed after that and it did not occur anymore. Thinking I just slept on my arm wrong and I know my neck was kinked. You know how this health anxiety goes though, I automatically assume the worst on everything. Last several days was pancreas and now its this, if its not one thing its another.. several weeks ago it was heart and I went to the doctor and he listened to it and after telling him everything he said its all anxiety.

07-04-16, 13:55
I also suffer with health anxiety and I know exactly where you are coming from, it certainly isn't pleasant. But 9 times out of 10 our symptoms are a result of HA, psychosomatic symptoms are the worst!

07-04-16, 14:05
Thanks for the reassurances, I can only imagine how well I would feel today if that did not happen last night. Seems like I lose the fear of one thing and it's onto the next. I already have a follow up with my doctor scheduled for Monday from my visit 2 weeks ago so I can voice these concerns to him. If it was some kind of stroke or something would it have gone away that quickly and then be fine like it is now

07-04-16, 14:21
If it was a stroke I doubt you'd be typing here now, try to settle :-)

07-04-16, 14:25
Thanks, I do too but my mind just constantly races and it's always witht the worst.

07-04-16, 14:30
I'm exactly the same, 100%, I know it isn't easy to settle. Perhaps when your doctor has reassured you, you might settle. :-)

07-04-16, 15:23
Yes, that's why I'm glad I have my appointment on Monday coming up. Seems like whenever I go to the doctor and talk to him I leave almost anxiety free without meds or anything. I just don't like how one day it can be one thing I concentrate on and then when that subsides something new happens like this and now it's onto some other fear. I sure do appreciate everyone's help though.. Just hearing from others that experience the same issues is great therapy for at least me.

07-04-16, 15:36
Yup, that is textbook health anxiety. The mind is a crazy thing, crazy and powerful.

07-04-16, 16:34
I've learned it to be very powerful... Although I've been concentrating on a million dollars appearing in front of me but I guess it's not that powerful. Sorry, sometimes humor can help soothe me.

07-04-16, 16:44
Haha if only eh!

07-04-16, 18:27
We have cameras in parts of our house where my wife runs a licensed in home daycare so I caught this.. Do you think falling asleep like this for 50 minutes could be the culprit as to why right arm and right side of face was asleep when I woke up? Just trying to convince myself it was just a fluke.


07-04-16, 19:28
if it goes away, its fine. serious issues dont just come and go.

07-04-16, 19:31
Thanks, it did go away just like anytime a limb falls asleep but my mind didn't want to accept that. Thank goodness for this site and people speaking logic .

07-04-16, 19:44
I think you've just found the culprit haha, what a sleeping position!

07-04-16, 19:55
Yeah I was trying to finish watching a basketball game but just couldn't make it. Glad I went back to see exactly how I slept, was in that same position for almost an hour.

07-04-16, 19:56
Yeah, i mean if you're walking around all day with a numb arm and face, that's troubling, but everyone goes numb when lying asleep on their arms/face/legs. It's just restricted blood flow.

08-04-16, 20:19
I've been having those symptoms too, along with my right leg. I know how you feel. :hugs:

09-04-16, 19:55
Thanks, now I've been having some tingling all over bit I'm hoping it is just the anxiety and the fact that I'm thinking about it all constantly.