View Full Version : Why can't I get over the rumination?

07-04-16, 14:27
Since October last year I have been living with daily anxiety and rumination.

Around that time I had a lot on my plate, I hadn't taken any time off work in 7 months as I am self employed, out of nowhere my next door neighbour committed suicide, my cousin sustained a head injury and my wife was 6 months pregnant.

I also have a shoulder injury which causes tingling in the fingertips and weakness to my left arm. So all in all I can now see where my anxiety and stress came from.

Prior to this I was a highly functioning Personal Trainer, coaching 30 hours a week and taking classes with up to 40 people attending. I am still a personal trainer but doing a little less hours a week.

Since the doctors diagnosed me with GAD I have been through a whirlwind of thoughts, ruminations and worries. Did I mention I now have a beautiful 9 week old baby girl! Which is amazing but stressful and comes with a lack of sleep.

I often wonder just how bad my anxiety, depression and DP is as on a daily basis I mange to get about tasks, look after my daughter, provide for my wife and generally get on with things.

But there is a catch, I suffer terrible ruminations, depersonalisation symptoms, intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and self doubt. I can't enjoy things I used to and ultimately I feel like something within me has changed.

I have just started on escitralopram to dampen the anxiety and I have been seeing a CBT therapist since November. Often I do daily mediation and mindfulness.

Being a trainer I eat a healthy diet, lots of greens, protein and fresh foods. I don't drink alcohol and I exercise daily.

With all this said, I see that there is hope for me to recover, but how do you move on?

This is the first time I have posted on a forum as sometimes I think that reading and sharing stories encourages me to think about it (even though I always do)


07-04-16, 19:24

Congratulations on your baby girl. Being a new parent is so fantastic and scary at the same time it is hard to know where to turn.

You are right sometimes forums make you think more especially if you are already low but you can get support from people on here.

I think you just got too run down but you are picking yourself back up again which is great.

Try to stay focused and you will succeed


07-04-16, 19:55
You have had many pressures and changes in a short space of time. Adapting to a new baby can be challenging & you are overwhelmed.
Your mental health will slowly improve - just be patient & be kind to yourself.