View Full Version : Day 11 - reassurance that this will work...

07-04-16, 16:21
Hi , I am on day 11 of Cit, 20mg - taken for anxiety. I take the tablets in the morning - the first few nights I couldn't sleep at all but since then I have slept like a log, 10 hours a night. I am Still VERY tired every day, sometimes I feel I can barely keep my eyes open, I have not taken any time off work but am literally useless in the office, I can spend hours each day wasting time, staring at my computer screen, I have zero motivation or energy, which is unlike me. I come home and flop onto bed and waste hours on the Internet until I go to sleep. This has been the same pattern for the last 5-6 days. I also have an odd feeling in my muscles, not pain, not tension - just a weird, uncomfortable feeling like I need to stretch - I do stretch and wriggle throughout the day but I can't shake the feeling, mainly in my lower back but also legs/shoulders etc. I yawn - a lot, I try to hold it in, which makes my eyes water...like 50 times a day - I often do this mid sentence and I'm sure my work colleagues are wondering what is wrong with me (I haven't told work about the Cit). I have felt increased anxiety over the last 2 days, my heart beats faster and I feel a little panicky for no reason, I also feel mildly paranoid when talking to people...like they are going to know I'm a bit spaced out on drugs, even though I am trying hard to hide it. My appetite has been relentless, I'm always hungry to the point of binging a bit...today that seems to eased a little and I feel more in control of my eating, hope that feeling continues. I don't feel great but like I said I am still working so the Cit is not stopping me from doing the stuff I HAVE to do, I just don't seem to feel any better yet. I do think I am a bit less reactive in stressful situations - maybe a little calmer and don't seem to get as rattled/angry about things but that's because I feel a little spaced out, I guess. I just want to know when I will start to feel better, guess I am looking for reassurance that the tiredness/anxiety will soon ease and I will wake up feeling happy and energised soon. Let me know your experiences...thanks :winks:

07-04-16, 17:33
Hi Sam,

Very very early days! Continue doing what you're doing... Stay positive! And good luck

07-04-16, 17:47
Hi Sam
As Jay said very early days, stick with it. I am feeling awful at the moment with similar issues to you. I have been like a zombie today not being able to keep awake and its horrible. I constantly yawn all of the time but all these things should be expected. Once the meds kick in an work most of these issues will go away. I was always tired on them and yawned a lot but nothing like I am now.

Stay Strong! :bighug1:


07-04-16, 17:56
With my increased dosage I couldn't even get out of bed this morning... My eyes wouldn't open... So was late to work! Side effects... Who needs them lol

07-04-16, 20:41
How long have you been on them and what's your dosage jaysmd?

07-04-16, 20:57
I have been on 10 weeks and went from 30 to 40mg 3 days ago

08-04-16, 16:41
So I understand that everyone is different but how long has it taken MOST people to feel an improvement, my GP told me two weeks but I am reading lots of posts where it is taking people a lot longer. And will these side effects (tiredness, aching, yawning, lack of motivation) go completely?

08-04-16, 16:48
So I understand that everyone is different but how long has it taken MOST people to feel an improvement, my GP told me two weeks but I am reading lots of posts where it is taking people a lot longer. And will these side effects (tiredness, aching, yawning, lack of motivation) go completely?

Hi Sam

When the meds kick in then yes most of those side effects will go completely, however from experience tiredness has always caused me problems when I've been on it before. Driving was always problematic and I had to stop several times to wake up!!!

2 Weeks IMO is very optimistic. I have been on cit for 3.5 weeks now and I don't feel any better and it took me 9 - 10 weeks previously to feel better. I'm hoping this latest blip is a sign that things are going to turn for the better soon.

Doctors unfortunately don't really have a clue and just state what's on the leaflet that comes with the meds.


09-04-16, 21:55
Hi, I seem to spending more and more hours researching Citolopram and its effects than anything else at the moment, I read a few articles about the benefits of taking a zinc supplement with ADs, apparently it can improve efficeincy so I thought I would give it a go. I bought some Solgar 50mg zinc tablets from Amazon, I read that they can make you feel nauseous at first so I broke my first tablet in half today. Now I don't know if this is coincidental but I have felt GREAt all day with NO side effects - my partner noticed that I seem more light hearted and upbeat too...will keep you updated as to how this carries on...anyone else take a zinc supplement? (Or other supplements) ?

10-04-16, 10:03
Hi Sam, GP's tell people to expect improvement in 2 weeks but I've yet to speak to anyone who felt much improvement that quickly. In my experience it's very up & down, so you may have a good day or two and then have a load of bad days again. The bad days seem worse then because it's like the good days were teasing you!
I take B vitamins but did do before I was on citalopram, don't know much about supplements. It's early days for you but just hang in there, you'll get there x

10-04-16, 10:59
Hi Sam, GP's tell people to expect improvement in 2 weeks but I've yet to speak to anyone who felt much improvement that quickly. In my experience it's very up & down, so you may have a good day or two and then have a load of bad days again. The bad days seem worse then because it's like the good days were teasing you!
I take B vitamins but did do before I was on citalopram, don't know much about supplements. It's early days for you but just hang in there, you'll get there x

I also agree that 2 weeks is too soon its a rollercoaster ride for a few weeks. Also be careful with supplements and vitamins. Sometimes they do more harm then good. You are better off getting your nutrients from food if you can. A lot of vitamins make my anxiety worse especially B vitamins as they seem to stimulate me.

10-04-16, 20:21
I also agree that 2 weeks is too soon its a rollercoaster ride for a few weeks. Also be careful with supplements and vitamins. Sometimes they do more harm then good. You are better off getting your nutrients from food if you can. A lot of vitamins make my anxiety worse especially B vitamins as they seem to stimulate me.

This is some of the best advice I have seen. It doesn't work for everybody. I tried to go the vitamin route with my anxiety and had a TON of really horrible reactions, especially from B Vitamins and Fish Oil. They always stimulated and increased my anxiety. Absolutely get these things from foods, if you feel you need them. That's just my opinion.

10-04-16, 20:29
This is some of the best advice I have seen. It doesn't work for everybody. I tried to go the vitamin route with my anxiety and had a TON of really horrible reactions, especially from B Vitamins and Fish Oil. They always stimulated and increased my anxiety. Absolutely get these things from foods, if you feel you need them. That's just my opinion.

Ohhh yea I forgot about fish oil!! Omg it gave me insane anxiety :wacko::wacko:

10-04-16, 21:39
I took my 2nd (half) zinc pill with my citaloprsm today and have felt OK again today, could be the placebo effect, but I feel ok. Not on top of the world happy but I am not having any negative side effects and am just less sensitive/reactive than I have been before I started, even able to have a laugh with my other half about trying on some clothes that looked hideous - normally anything like that would send me into melt down. Will keep you updated...I realise there will be ups and downs but I feel mildly optimistic that these pills will work for me...

10-04-16, 21:48
I took my 2nd (half) zinc pill with my citaloprsm today and have felt OK again today, could be the placebo effect, but I feel ok. Not on top of the world happy but I am not having any negative side effects and am just less sensitive/reactive than I have been before I started, even able to have a laugh with my other half about trying on some clothes that looked hideous - normally anything like that would send me into melt down. Will keep you updated...I realise there will be ups and downs but I feel mildly optimistic that these pills will work for me...

Never had any issues taking Zinc, if it works for ya go for it. I'm glad to hear things are getting better!

10-04-16, 22:08
ss2016, can you tell us more about your experience with fish oil? What did you take? How much and for how long? When did you notice a difference when you stopped taking it? I have been taking it for a few months now and have noticed no reduction in anxiety at all. Thanks x

10-04-16, 22:58
ss2016, can you tell us more about your experience with fish oil? What did you take? How much and for how long? When did you notice a difference when you stopped taking it? I have been taking it for a few months now and have noticed no reduction in anxiety at all. Thanks x

Sure!! Let me first say I have tried every route to get rid of my anxiety and depression; vitamins, supplements, diets, juicing, herbs, tea's, essential oils, exercise, yoga, all kinds of medical testing, etc. I went to a naturopathic doctor who put me on it and within three days I had severe anxiety. I did not make the connection at first. This was the only thing I changed in my daily regime and realized about two weeks after I started it. My anxiety levels were pretty low at this time and I was not on any meds, so I knew the fish oil was causing my severe anxiety. Then of course I went to good old google and saw that it caused anxiety for a lot of people. I would say it took a couple of days to get out of my system and for my anxiety to decrease. I was taking Green Pastures BLUE ICE ROYAL BUTTER OIL / FERMENTED COD LIVER OIL BLEND. I was taking half a teaspoon everyday

One other thing I have noticed is that I also have an intolerance to gluten and dairy. They definitely make my anxiety and depression worse, so I have removed them from my diet. If you not familiar on how it can affect your mental status just do a google search.

10-04-16, 23:47
Thank you - I'll look into it x

11-04-16, 02:40
Thank you - I'll look into it x

If you decide to stop taking it may take a little longer to leave your system since you have been taking it for a couple of months...Let me know if you do and keep me updated...