View Full Version : Unsteady when walking

07-04-16, 18:07
I am a 34 year old male which was diagnosed with GAD about 14 years ago. I have been taking Effexor XR 75mg for about the same amount of time. I haven't had a panic attack since I have been taking this med. I have had a problem though for about 3 years now of unsteady feeling when walking. Sometimes when walking if i come to a stop, it feels like I am still moving forward. Also sometimes when I'm am just standing still, I get a " bouncing " sensation like when you get off an elevator and start walking or like bouncing on a trampoline and when you get off it. I don't feel anxious before this happen but this feeling makes me anxious. I am afraid of falling in public or at work. When I go in places to shop etc, I feel like everybody is staring at me because they can tell I am dizzy, even though on the outside everything appears fine but on the inside I am about to fall. Any advice? Thanks

07-04-16, 19:05
Ol' jello legs.. I've had that alot. Sometimes I flinch and try to grab something thinking I am falling. Pretty sure this is a very common symptom of anxiety. Just try to remind yourself that that's all it is . I'm sure alot of people here can agree to this and also feel this. It also happens to me when I'm not having any anxiety but it will definitely bring it on.

07-04-16, 19:16
I get that all the time, especially while moving or walking. Car rides do that to me too. You wont actually fall, and your legs are actually fine. I can walk a perfect straight line while feeling this way, it just FEELS like I cant.

07-04-16, 19:29
Thanks guys for the reassurance. I hope you guys are right.:)

07-04-16, 19:37
Well, you've had it for 3 years. If it was serious, it probably would have killed you by now, lol.