View Full Version : Health anxiety,aka hypochondriasis

Leboke jay
07-04-16, 18:54
Hey,am so new to the forum,so guess am gonna have to introduce maself,am leboke jay,frm s.a,been having what they and u call panic disorder for abt 3yrs now,i mean 3yrs suffering is like forever,am 24,meaning they got me when i was 21,i cant remmber how i used to feel,its gonna be a long story but will try and make short,and pliz be patiant with me,so been panicking like everyday,been to docs,had tests done,all came back normal,life issues arent really somethin easy for me to solve cos u noe,when u 21,u gotta be on your own,so still battling with 1 and 2,ok,cant stay ina relationship,not cos am a playboy,but i get bored,before we even get to that point where most pple get each other bored and stuff,approach a girl today,tommrw,no love found,and they normally think i be joking when i be like,need space,so they all turn to be obsessed which scares me even more,now a girl been obssesed and she been frightening me lik i give a care,and am panicking more than before,how can u help with this situation,i also have health anxiety,and i normally breakup wt girls whenever i think of aids,i really need help,thanx for reading and replys are so welcom,am nt on any meds,cos i am scared of them