View Full Version : 10 to 20! Here it goes!

07-04-16, 22:46
Been on 10mg of Citalopram for 4 weeks now, minimal side effects; headaches and nausea, waking up at night during the first week and a slight increase in anxiety in week 2!

Now I'm meeting my doctor next Friday, although on the phone yesterday she suggested maybe trying 20mg, so taking 2 10mg tablets until next week so she can prescribe me 20mg tablets.

What do you think? I find my anxiety is less on edge, I feel slightly better, and certainly a lot more happy, but I would say I'm still anxious!

Do you think it'll benefit me?

07-04-16, 23:09
20mg is the therapeutic dose in most patients. I think you will Benifit from it

07-04-16, 23:17
I definitely noticed a difference on 20mg. I tried a couple of times to reduce to 10mg and went back up to 20 mg. Give it a try - you can always reduce again if it doesn't help.

08-04-16, 11:31
Been on 10mg of Citalopram for 4 weeks now, minimal side effects; headaches and nausea, waking up at night during the first week and a slight increase in anxiety in week 2!

Now I'm meeting my doctor next Friday, although on the phone yesterday she suggested maybe trying 20mg, so taking 2 10mg tablets until next week so she can prescribe me 20mg tablets.

What do you think? I find my anxiety is less on edge, I feel slightly better, and certainly a lot more happy, but I would say I'm still anxious!

Do you think it'll benefit me?

I think you would benefit from 20mg as that is supposed to be the therapeutic dose. You can always try it. You will likely feel worse first for a while but you may not.

Good luck!


09-04-16, 13:33
How are you feeling? I am on day 6 of increasing from 10 to 20. I was on 10 for two weeks then moved up to 20. I am feeling quite bad at the moment, but I know it will pass.

09-04-16, 19:06
I found the transition going from 20 to 30 pretty painless, side effects passed after about 5-10 days and were milder than the initial ones.
Best of luck with your treatment :)

10-04-16, 19:01
Thanks for the replies everyone!

I've just been cutting a 10mg (or as best I can as it crumbles) and taking it with another 10mg, so I'm getting between 14.5mg and 15.5mg.

Then in a few days I'll increase to 20mg!

So far it's been okay, I don't think an extra 5mg will affect me much.

How's everyone else getting on?

12-04-16, 10:14
Hi. How are you getting on with your increase?

13-04-16, 20:51
Hi. How are you getting on with your increase?

Very well thanks! Slightly increased anxiety, but at the best of times I am noticing it's helping me. Now that's only taking 2 10mg Citalopram, so maybe taking 1 20mg Citalopram can make a difference? I doubt it! But I never know!

But yeah, for the most part I'm noticing differences with Citalopram, it's very gradual! Friends have noticed I'm not as snappy and agitated, that can only be a good thing??

are you on an increase too?

13-04-16, 21:12
Oh I'm so glad that you are getting on OK with your increase because I'm sure my doctor is going to suggest I go up to 20mg at my review on Monday and basically I'm crapping myself! I've only been on 10mg for 12 days though, but obviously will be just over 2 weeks by Monday. Perhaps I should ask to stay on 10mg for another 2 weeks? I'm so scared :scared15:

13-04-16, 21:19
Oh I'm so glad that you are getting on OK with your increase because I'm sure my doctor is going to suggest I go up to 20mg at my review on Monday and basically I'm crapping myself! I've only been on 10mg for 12 days though, but obviously will be just over 2 weeks by Monday. Perhaps I should ask to stay on 10mg for another 2 weeks? I'm so scared :scared15:

That's great! How are you finding 10mg now??

I've done 4 weeks on 10mg, and it was literally on the last few days of Week 4 I noticed a balanced/increasing mood and decrease in anxiety!

My doctor called me as I couldn't get an appointment until next week and she asked how I was getting on, and she said let's try 20mg, we'll notice a bigger difference on that!

Don't be afraid to tell your doctor you're on forums, etc, he/she likes to hear you're aware of how anti-depressants work!

Based on my experience, I would say wait until 4 weeks then increase!

13-04-16, 21:31
So she can't force me to go up to 20mg if I don't want to? I was OK the first week on 10mg but this week I seem to be having some increased anxiety, thumping heart, some sweating and a general feeling of discomfort (mentally) plus lack of motivation. I'm hoping that eases off soon as I was rather hoping I'd feel a bit better now after what I'd read on the forum from others at a similar point in their treatment. How long were you on 10mg before you started to notice a difference and how about side effects?

14-04-16, 21:07
So she can't force me to go up to 20mg if I don't want to? I was OK the first week on 10mg but this week I seem to be having some increased anxiety, thumping heart, some sweating and a general feeling of discomfort (mentally) plus lack of motivation. I'm hoping that eases off soon as I was rather hoping I'd feel a bit better now after what I'd read on the forum from others at a similar point in their treatment. How long were you on 10mg before you started to notice a difference and how about side effects?

Nope! The doctor can't make you do anything, they'll advise, and I'd always recommend to follow what your doctor advises!
But don't be afraid to suggest how you feel about the increase! What time do you take your tablet at??

Hmmmm like I said, it was only really a few days ago I started to notice a slight difference. My first 2 weeks I had headaches and feel sick, and on the tip of week 2, I felt dizzy for a whole day, but the side effects have disappeared now. It's usually around 6-8 weeks before we'll notice a difference! So still really early days for me! And you too :)

One thing I've noticed is my depersonalisation is more manageable!

14-04-16, 21:18
Thank you for your reply. I take my tablet first thing in the morning, the moment I wake up. I keep them by my bed with a glass of water so I can't procrastinate about taking them. It's normally about 6.30am.

I think if I could just rid myself of this awful anxious feeling all day it would be so much easier, but then that's why we are taking the tablets in the first place lol - doh! :blush:

18-04-16, 08:11
I have been on Cit 4 times now, just wish my doctor had left me on it as it worked wonders but after two years each time, he would take me off only to end up a mess again. I am only starting off at 5mg as start upon, just got bad headache really and so tired.I find this horrible to begin with so am tying to do this very slowly, feel weepy too because not feeling great. I find going from ten to twenty the hardest normally and then the 30 to 40 really easy. My pharmacist was on Cit and told me it is because the medicine is in our bodies at 20mg so easier to go up again rather than starting from scatch...just wish I had a fast forward button,lol.