View Full Version : Can someone please help me..OC and Ovulation

08-04-16, 07:26
Doe's anyone know if you can still ovulate with Ovarian Cancer? I'm suffering pretty badly at the moment with a fear of Ovarian Cancer. My husband and I are trying to conceive so I'm monitoring ovulation and it I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating. If I had Ovarian Cancer would I still ovulate monthly? I know with PCOS a lot of women don't ovulate but what about cancer?

I've put on a bit of weight these past three months - I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I also have a joint/muscle stiffness in my leg/Hip. Hurts more on movement (after sitting a long time/sleeping) I've also now started getting stomach cramps which most of the time goes after a bowel movement. My mind is in overdrive constantly worrying. HELP!!

Box of Chocolates
08-04-16, 08:53
What ever you do don't refer to doc Google, you are best to start with going and seeing a gyno, they will be able to put your mind at ease and help you. OC is very rear for anyone under 50, try not to overthink it, I know it's hard to turn off, but being on this site will help. Take care of your self

08-04-16, 09:10
Thank you! I'm trying not to google but can't help myself it's terrible.

I'm 34 and only got off the pill 18 months ago after being on it for 16 years. No family history of OC so I'm trying to look at how rare it would be for me to have it...

Surely these symptoms aren't ALL in my head??

08-04-16, 15:23
I would guess the chances of your symptoms being oc are about 0.1 of a percent at your age.
Coming off the pill will and can cause all sorts of upheaval in your reproductive organs/hormones and may be the reason for your symptoms.
Have you been to your GP and told them your fear and the symptoms you are having as they may decide a simple utrasound is needed to a reassure you and b check for other none cancerous conditions.