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View Full Version : Upper back pain for years

08-04-16, 08:11
Iv had this back pain now since my son was born two years ago. Mainly left side it hurts when I take deep breathes. I'm.hoping it's just muscular as when I hold my son it's always been left side when he's on my knee. Can it last this long. Iv had massages doesn't really help. I'm worried could be more serious.

08-04-16, 15:25
I woud imagine if it was anything nasty then it would have progressed hugely in 2 years. As your son is so young I would also imagine that you have spent the past 2 years carrying increasing weight on one side of your body. I had exact same problem with pain in my armpit and shoulderblade when my son was young and it lasted until he no longer needed lifting up at all. I always carried him on my left hip and guess which side the problem was!

09-04-16, 11:41
Like countrygirl said, back pain that has not changed much in 2 years, probably does not mean anything serious.

Pain from the heart (angina pectoris) typically lasts for less than 5 minutes at the time and you would feel it mainly behind the breastbone.

Pain from herniated disc in the neck typically changes with the head/neck and arm movements.

Pain from arthritis of the shoulder joint would not be so constant.