View Full Version : still having anxiety.

08-04-16, 16:11
I've had severe health anxiety for about 4-5 weeks now. It's gotten to the point where I can't think about anything else and my day consists of me googling everything under the sun. At this moment for example i fear having a brain/brain stem tumor, esophageal cancer. spinal tumor. It is really ruining me.

Had blood work done with everything being normal. And the doctors all said that if anyhting was amiss there would be atleast some form of difference from normal blood results.

My symptoms include:
- eyes feel worse at times. Not always but sometimes they just seem somewhat worse. Was at my eye doctor who said that besides upping the perscription on my glasses she couldn't find anything. I was able to read those numbers on that board they have there, my eyes react normally to light, She couldn't see any swelling of the optic nerve. The vision changes happen randomly and mostly outside. Whenever I have sunglasses on I don't seem to notice anything but without them it feels different. Kinda hard to explain it. No double vision, no real blurriness or so.

- One of my ears at times feels like it is full. Not like I have wax in it. It just feels like the sound on that ear are duller. Whenever i try to compare the sound i hear in my ears it seems normal tho. Altho at times it feels strange.

- My memory seems to be real bad at times. I've been known to have really good memory. Suddenly over the course of 2 weeks by now i have this feeling of my memory just disappearing. I have no trouble recalling the more important events of the past week and certainly no trouble recalling events from years gone by. But for some reason I feel like my short term memory is just bad. For example I can easily remember that i saw an old lady 2 days ago that had 4 packs of medicine with her. Or how many people were waiting at the doctors office and so on. And the times i can't really remember are probably ones were i was stressing out or googling something.

-my arms and legs mostly around my knees and elbows have been feeling really weak for 3 weeks or so. (basically halfway through all of this). I can still do the same amount of running, same amount of pushups, situps and so on but they feel really weak in general. especially when climbing up/going down stairs.

-my neck has been hurting. It's mostly one of my cervical verbrae that acts up. Not even all the time, only when i look up and press my neck back at the same time. Whenever i try to spin my neck i hear a weird sound comming from there and i get dizzy. Which did not happen in the past. Also had 1 occurence of vertigo 2 days ago which freaked me out.

-finally sometimes when I eat I have a hard time swallowing with food sometimes getting stuck in my throat. Not behind my breastbone or so. Just simply in my throat above the upper esophageal sphinter. It was really bad today. It got to the point where i was barely able to eat the bread in front of me and 5 minutes after eating i vomited a bit of it together with water i had drunken prior to that up. Which fueled my fear even more. And I seem to have less of an appetite. I eat less than i used to like a week ago. With me constantly shaking in fear of death.

That's the basic gist of it (i have occasional headaches (well more like pressure) in the back of my head near the base of the skull ) and it's freaking me out. My mother thinks it's all caused by anxiety because I haven't been able to relax in weeks and my mind is fatigued. (which would explain why i seem to be sleepier than before).
This simptoms didn't happen all the time. They were gone for a few days like 2 weeks ago. With only the hurting neck and weak legs remaining. But now they're back in full force and my anxiety/depression is kicking me daily.

I know that i wrote a bit too much. And that i probably didn't articulate myself very well.. but all I want to ask is, can all of this be caused by health anxiety?

Before the mentioned 5 weeks I had no problems to speak off exept the occasional shortness of breath. I'm asking because the fear of brain/brainstem/spinal/esophageal caner/tumors is destroying me to the point that there is nothing else i can think or talk about.

08-04-16, 17:11
Yes anxiety can be responsible for all of this. Sound alot like me with the Googling everything, worst thing you can do really as it only feeds the anxiety and causes more on top of that. I know how tough it is not to start searching things. Everything you mentioned sounds exactly like anxiety and if your doctor had any worries he would have explored them. Get better.