View Full Version : worms

06-03-07, 23:41
hi all,

could anyone tell me what worms in the bottom symptoms are, and what it feels like. yuk i know, but could do with some info.

06-03-07, 23:54
Mostly, they have no symptoms, you only know you have them if you see them in what comes out! However, about 15 years ago, I had them for several months without knowing about it -basic stuff here- we were living in a rural backblock of NZ and using a chemical toilet so never saw anything. After we moved back to civilisation, and I realised I had them, I could feel them whenever my body was getting ready to go.
If you think you have worms, it's really nothing to worry about, and an over the counter pill from the chemist will soon fix things, you only have to take it once.
So have a look in the toilet next you go!

07-03-07, 00:11
Hi Saintdee,

I think your bottom feels itchy when you have them hun I remember years ago my sister having them when we were kids and she complaned about the itching a lot. Hope this helps. xx

07-03-07, 00:38
Oh i had them when i was a kid,lol,Itchy bum and it felt uncomfartable(like when you get soap somewhere) i hope they have nicer tasting medicine nowadays,i still cant face blackcurrant drinks,lol :P

07-03-07, 01:11
I think that you eat more too, as the worms eat what you are eating.

I hope you get it sorted soon, if you have them. But tis nothing to worry about.
Take care


Freaky Chick
07-03-07, 08:35
it's an itchy bum. They are easily dealth with, sometimes with medicine, but you can start by making sure that you wash your hands after going to the loo, or scratching the itch, especially under your finger nails.

Please don't panic too much, they do go and they don't cause any harm to your body. it just doen't feel nice when you have them.
Freaky chick

07-03-07, 09:20
I also had these when I was a kid. They give you a really itchy bum and you can see them in your poo, they are little white wiggly things. Disgusting I know :) but they are treated easily I had this kind of milkshake drink and that got rid of them quickly.

I've not had any problems since, but always make sure my hands are clean and under my finger nails as well.

Take care


07-03-07, 16:39
Hi I had these years ago,and you can get treatment over the counter.But my gp gave me 1 tablet to take as I kept on getting them.You do get an itchy bum:blush: ,but you get similar itching with piles to.Its quick to treat and very common.:)

07-03-07, 19:17
Hi Saintdee

I'm very embarrassed to admit this, but I've had them twice in the past year. Each time has been after eating bbq pork (won't be doing that again).

Anyway, they are very itchy. You can feel them burrowing. It's really gross. And the itchiness starts in the evening and gets worse throughout the night. I remember thinking I had piles and I got a bit of tissue paper and wiped, and I saw some. Freaked me out completely - it was about 9pm and I rang the out of hours doctor to find a chemist that was open! You can get a tablet - you just chew it and it hopefully should kill them all off from just one go, although I think I followed the instructions to repeat in 2 weeks (just in case). I also treated the whole family, although I was the only one who got them.

What I don't understand is why it was only me, both times. I wonder if it's something that usually gets killed off in the gut but as mine doesn't seem to work properly (IBS) then maybe it's more of a breeding ground.

Did you also get my PM last week about the rectal discomfort? I think it sounds like we have very similar symptoms, so please feel free to PM me if you want to ask or share anything.

Oh, by the way, these are thread worms that I'm talking about. They are really tiny, like little pieces of cotton. Tape worms live further inside the gut and they are the ones that cause you to eat more, crave sugary stuff and lose weight.

07-03-07, 23:01
Hi I was like Lass,I kept on getting them.I went through a phase of getting them all the time.But eventually cleared them.And it was only me who got them.No one else in the house.These were thread worm,which are pretty common.

09-03-07, 19:43
Threadworm is really common amongst children or those who come into contact with them. At night they come out of your bottom to lay eggs - this is itchy and uncomfortable, so you scratch your bum whilst you're asleep and the eggs end up transferred into your mouth and debvelop in the gut. This is their life cycle. Always washing your hands is a good way to prevent getting them, but you can transfer the eggs by something as simple as picking up a crisp out of someone else's packet.

They are harmless, but irritating, especially causing discomfort at night. You can often see them in your poo if you look closely! A medicine called Pripsen is available over the counter from chemists which will get rid of them quickly. Just say it's for the kids.