View Full Version : Fine all day.

08-04-16, 20:34
I dont know why but for some reason I feel fine all day (except for a few little anx niggles and globus) but then come 7pm I feel awful, i get shaky and i feel hot, i just feel rubbish at night time. does anyone else feel like this? or does anyone know why this might happen? xxx

08-04-16, 20:56
When this first "started", I was at my worst at night, struggling to sleep and spending most of the night in one long panic attack. As I've gained an understanding and begun treatment, I've found that I'm mostly okay during the day, and especially relaxed in the evenings. Between about 8pm and midnight I often feel my best, which was true even before anxiety. I still find sleep hard, but I'm no longer scared of the nights. My biggest problem is the morning. I wake up and feel like utter garbage. Not in a "I haven't slept well enough" way, although that is often true, but more in a just heightened awareness o how I feel and a sense of everything, from throwing the covers of to standing up, to moving to taking my medication to starting my day seeming too hard. When I actually get on with it, I feel okay. It's just that first stage, when I wake up. It's awful.

I realise I'm not answering your question but I felt inclined to share my story in this general area. I do find it helps not to worry about why I feel one way or another at a given time. I suffer a lot less by not letting it get to me or questioning why the mornings get me so much.

08-04-16, 22:33
It may be you fear that time so the anxiety symptoms heighten, I used to fear bedtime as I was always frightened I wouldn't sleep, I changed that by looking forward to bed, telling myself I'm going to have a lovely night sleep. I now don't fear it.

08-04-16, 22:50
It may be you fear that time so the anxiety symptoms heighten, I used to fear bedtime as I was always frightened I wouldn't sleep, I changed that by looking forward to bed, telling myself I'm going to have a lovely night sleep. I now don't fear it.

I also found that I lost my fear and night panic (mostly) by changing the way I thought about going to bed and about sleep. For most of my life, I've seen it as essential preparation for the next day. The problem is, if I struggle to sleep, I worry about the next day, which increases the struggle and makes me think I've failed the tomorrow me by setting him up for an awful day.

Things started to change for me when I told myself that, from now on, bed was not preparation for tomorrow, but a reward for today. I think I might have read this is a Claire Weekes book (I definitely read it somewhere and it made a sudden impact on me). I also stopped creating a catastrophic story around a bad night's sleep. If I struggle to sleep, so be it. That's my attitude now. It's been a big help for me.

09-04-16, 20:37
Thanks for your replies, I think I'm just over anxious at the moment.
Lots of things worrying me.
Does anyone ever suffer with getting hot?
i have been recently, feeling hot but not running a temp, my skin just sometimes feels hot.

09-04-16, 22:32
All the time when my anxiety is bad, I once called 111 when I was so hot, wanted advice on getting my temperature down, anyway because of what I described on phone they sent a paramedic, he checked me over thoroughly, ecg, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen, all were fine, I have kept his sheet he left to remind myself that at times I feel absolutely dreadful, red hot, heart racing etc but my body says something totally different.
Shuffle your routine around a bit or start telling yourself you're really looking forward to that time of day you dread, it takes a little practice but it does work, once you remove the fear of that time of day, the symptoms will decrease.

09-04-16, 22:45
Thats what happens when I go the Drs, she tells me everything is fine.
I feel like I have a low grade fever and its making me so anxious. Even tho I know my temp is fine when ive checked and the dr!
I have just calmed down from feeling crap this evening, im cool, not shaking so much, and my tummy ache has eased off a little.
Thank you for your advice xx