View Full Version : Boyfriend with GAD and intimacy issues

09-04-16, 01:41
Hello everyone,

There's a long backstory, so in case you don't want to read all of it, I'll start with my questions!

here are my questions:
1. Have any of you been able to put the intrusive thoughts away during sex or found a way to lessen them when they cause erectile dysfunction?
2. Is it common for GAD sufferers to subconsciously make their worries happen?
3. Is it common to disbelieve a partner? If so, what can your spouse or partner say or do to convince you?

I have been in a relationship for 9 months with a wonderful man who deals with anxiety issues. He sees a therapist and takes medications (xanax .5 and welbutron).
Everything has been wonderful except in bed, which is now causing other issues.

He has had erectile dysfunction since after the first time. I think there are two different issues going on; I've looked into it and understand that the Xanax is probably part of the problem, but I think the larger problem is in his head. I am completely understanding of his problem, I don't blame myself, and I don't resent his issue (in itself) at all. At first we would find other ways to be intimate, which left me satisfied. Everytime we tried to take things further he experienced E.D. Then I noticed he began avoiding being physical in anyway, except for a few hugs and pecks on the lips.

He then went to GP and got viagra. He drank a whole lot before taking, which of course prevented the pill to work. He then got depressed and called them worthless.

We have spoken about it several times, but I never know what to say, I tend to fumble my words and say the absolute wrong thing!

I am completely satisfied with other forms of intimacy, but he will not believe me. He thinks I can only be satisfied with intercourse, no matter what I say.

I have read as much as I can find on the internet, I realize that much of his problem is because he loves me. I also feel that all we need is one great night together,

Thanks for reading!


10-04-16, 18:58
performance anxiety perharps? he's afraid of not being good enough for you, which leads to his physical problem.maybe you should consider couples therapy, viagra is not a solution.maybe he just needs an outside opinion on this to be able to understand that it happens to others, it's quite normal in anxious people and it can be solved.i wish you the best and hope you get through this.