View Full Version : Tingling left shoulder blade

09-04-16, 09:01
The area on my left shoulder blade is tingling nearly all the day - any ideas? I have a lot of tension in my upper back anyway but this is really bothering me...
Thank you

09-04-16, 14:03
150% nerve related. In your case due to stress. Tense muscles = pinched nerves = tingling. I have this too but it's due to side effects from cancer treatment. To this day it feels itchy, tingly and the feeling of bugs crawling on and under the skin of my shoulder/back. My Oncology team and a dermatologist confirmed nerve reaction/damage.

Positive thoughts

14-01-17, 16:00
I'm having these same types of issues. So since it is due to tense muscles would it be logical to say something like a deep tissue massage would alleviate this?