View Full Version : on verge of admitting myself

09-04-16, 10:03
iv been suffering severe aniexty for past few weeks for last days iv had chest arm jaw pain iv had 3 nornal ecgs normal troponin norm d dimer normal chest xray yesterday
today im dizzy still got arm jaw and chest pain
my thoughts going millions miles an hour what if they missed something what if something didnt show what if its something else dangerous causing the symptoms

im under homecare team but everytime i ring them they tell me to go back to hospital but im trying to avoid that because i run to hospital everytime and it makes me worse and i dont believe them anyway i only went yesterday because my gp insisted i was open with the doc at hospital about my aneixty and my worries as soon as i left tho i was like but what if
im literllay going insane
i am 25 f low chloestrol am overweight but losing weight dont eat a thing when im like this only family history is like me my mum suffers svt ivhad 24 hr ecg in past all normal
holter monitor
anyone have any advice at al

09-04-16, 10:31
I had an awful panic attack last night.

Arm pain, chest pain. Because I have been worried about having a heart attack. This has been happening for a week now. Somewhere logically I know that by now if this was heart related I would have had a heart attack by now for sure.

I know how you feel, although yours seem to be more severe than mine right now.

There is no advice anyone can give you really, except carry on with whatever treatment you are having due to your anxiety. Those tests don't miss anything, I know that because I work in the Emergency Department often and when it comes to chest and arm pain we take every single case seriously. If there was any damage to your heart they would have found it.

You are 25, your heart has not had time to get any damage. There is no underlying heart condition you were born with, because they would have found it.

I am kind of where you are now though so it might reassure you to know that someone else was up last night crying over pain that was probably simply caused by anxiety.

09-04-16, 10:45
Cardiacprofessional responded to one of your posts last night, why don't you try private message them to see if they can offer reassurance if they are available, your post was moved to the another forum, but if you look at that you'll see they offered you support.

09-04-16, 13:09
thank u both so much im now worried I have wpw syndrome because mu mum suffers svt snd iv had an epidode of svt im been staring at my ecg for ages trying to work oyt if I have a delta wave!

I didnt see anyone respond?? il have a look x

09-04-16, 13:39
It was moved to palpitations / ectopic / missed beats.

09-04-16, 14:01
Hi there,

First, sit down, get a glass of water and breathe slowly. You've got so wound up you're not thinking clearly.
Second, all those tests and doctors' opinions? It's anxiety. Absolutely.
Third, and here's the tough question we all have to ask ourselves now and again: do you want to look back in 10 years' time and regret all the things you missed out on because of worrying about something which is highly unlikely to happen? I could die of a heart attack tomorrow. It's unlikely but not impossible. If it happens, at least I didn't spend years worrying about it and I enjoyed myself as best I could.

Now I know that's simplistic but the real key is to ask for help if you need it, not for reassurance about your symptoms. We're all happy to share what works for us and you have your professional help to turn to. Next time you see them don't ask about your heart symptoms, ask how you can work together to relieve the anxiety about your heart symptoms.

We all have ups and downs - you will get through it. Just don't let it take any more time away from you.

Good luck

Pip x

09-04-16, 21:50
Thank you both for responses
I look back and think now how much time iv wasted iv had this on and off for five years I yave months of being fine then bam im a hysterical mess we can't find triggers iv been on meds having therapy apart from a problem with hormones we cant figure out what is causing the rpisodes that I can only describe as manic x

09-04-16, 23:11
Hi there!

As weird as it sounds, you can choose whether to let it affect you or not. You can overcome it by determination to lead a full life but it takes a lot of work to get there. Have a think about it and about some things you could do differently.

I'm always here to help..

Pip x

09-04-16, 23:17
As weird as it sounds, you can choose whether to let it affect you or not.

Pip... that's not weird at all!... In fact, it's the absolute KEY to beating anxiety and worry. We make a conscious choice to allow our worries to affect and influence us in spike of all logic and rationality. It truly is a decision we make. The same decision we make concerning treatment or meds.

Positive thoughts

10-04-16, 11:07
that is true I look at it and feel its unsafe to not worry