View Full Version : Loss of appetite/thirst

09-04-16, 17:59
Hi everyone,

Since being struck down with anxiety/health anxiety/ depression out of the blue last November I have completely lost my appetite and even my desire to drink fluids. I simply NEVER feel hungry or thirsty. Initially I could manage to eat jars of baby food but I can't even do that anymore now. I literally have to force food down my throat by holding my nose (the smell of food makes me feel sick) and shoving it in and the taking a big gulp of water and swallowing without chewing much if I can. The only thing I can do this with really is bread and porridge so that's what I've been living off for 5 months. I've lost well over 2 stones in weight, I have no energy, and I feel constantly shaky/exhausted. I have just started taking Citalopram 10mg (day 8 today) and that has made me even more nauseated. Any suggestions for appetite improvement before I disappear down the plug hole in the shower?

09-04-16, 19:16
I was like that at one point, still am to some degree but im 4ft 11in and weight 8 stone so cant afford to lose weight. I just force food down me as its only anxiety making me feel sick. Its working though and im currently eating smoked cod fillets with chinese noodles. You could try anti sickness tablets they may help

09-04-16, 20:23
Thank you, I will try that :)

10-04-16, 10:35
Try Complan type milk shakes? They have all the vitamins / minerals you need :)

10-04-16, 13:24
Thank you. I do occasionally drink those but they make me feel so sick as I swallow. I think it's the thick texture - yuk!