View Full Version : does anybody else get this

07-03-07, 08:24
hi everyone,
i was wondereing if anybody else gets this,when im really anxious about a situation i come out in huge red blotches on my neck and chest,it honestly looks like ive been scalded,im really concious of it at the time which of course then makes me more anxious,it dissapears about half an hour after,and its very hot when i touch it,as i say like a scold!anybody else get this?


07-03-07, 09:04
Hiya charlotte,

I dont get the red blotches, but I know when I am anxious, I cant stop itching my head, and my skin feels hot, its hard to explain a different kind of heat not like having a high temperature!!! weird I know, its maybe just another sympton of your anxiety, and what I have been reading here, there are soooooooooo many!!!! try not to worry too much ok, but you did say you notice this happening when your anxious, and it does away, I understand when it happens your concious of it, but I dont think its anything to worry about. take care skylight

07-03-07, 09:49
Hi Charlotte.
I don't actually get this symptom-I just sweat a lot, but my daughter does! She suffers with anxiety and panic attacks and like you, she gets all hot and blotchy. She finds that if she worries about it, it gets worse so she goes and does something-anything to take her mind off it. I hope that you feel better soon-I agree with Skylight-lots of anxiety sufferers get this thing. Best wishes xx

07-03-07, 13:50
I don't get big blotches or anything like that, but I have had itches and stuff when I get really anxious, even a rash on my chest that could be related to anxiety. I've heard of folks who do get blotches and stuff like that though. I know it's a fairly common symptom. Do you use some kind of skin cream? I'm not sure what the really good ones are, but I heard essential oils like lavender can help.

07-03-07, 18:18
yep i get great big hives that are surrounded by red blotches when my panic is bad, i just use sudocream, so embarassing though
luv tracie xx

07-03-07, 21:45
Hi Charlotte.

My neck is usually quite pink most of the time but I am aware of it becoming a lot worse when I am embarrassed (never inspected my chest at the time so can't comment on that!) which may then lead to me being anxious, but not every time.

I was sure this is due to my hormones as I suffer from hot flushes (being a granny and all!) but listening to you and reading the other replies, I'm wondering if it is linked to anxiety. I too would be interested to hear if anybody has any advice on remedies for this - preferably herbal.

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:

07-03-07, 22:14
Yes I too go red when im very anxious. It happens in work more than anything. I get intimidated when Im with my manager and everyone can tell I try to make light of it but its not helping. I try to have a cool glass of water with me if we are in a meeting as this helps.

Its just one of those things for me Im afraid and Ive learned to live with it for now anyway.

08-03-07, 12:51
Hey, I get that. It's basically a panic rash, like hives. It's completely harmless and tbh so many people get it and I doubt anyone notices!

08-03-07, 13:04
Yes this happens to me Char. Only recently though...in the past few weeks I've been getting very blotchy on my face and neck and chest.