View Full Version : Chest pain - parents won't take me to doctor

09-04-16, 23:27
First of all, I'm 16 years old and I have health anxiety. I've been having chest and back pain that feels like burning and sometimes a dull pain, I also feel like my throat is tight or closed. This has been going for a few days now, and the pain is constant. I've told my parents but since they know I have HA they just won't take me to the dr. They just say it's probably bronchitis or anxiety and not to worry but I just really think i should get it checked and i can't do anythibg about it :weep: don't know what to do

09-04-16, 23:41
Sounds like reflux related symptoms. Watch what you eat and take an antacid if the symptoms persist. Lastly, instead of asking your parents to take you to the doctor, speak to them openly and honestly about your fears and ask they help you in getting some therapy.

Positive thoughts

09-04-16, 23:51
Sounds like reflux related symptoms. Watch what you eat and take an antacid if the symptoms persist. Lastly, instead of asking your parents to take you to the doctor, speak to them openly and honestly about your fears and ask they help you in getting some therapy.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for your answer. I'm actually pretty sure it's not reflux because I've had it before and i know the feel. This feels a lot different, more like lung pain. I've also had a little cough and shortness of breath

11-04-16, 06:49
If it hurts when it's touched then it is muscular ( anxiety can give tension in the upper back and chest) do not worry I know it's easy to say but as long as you are breathing fine then it's not heart related trust me I had the same fear for almost 2 years ( father passed away at my age 29 from heart related undiagnosed condition)
It can be due to heartburn as well closed throat(if it was really closed you would be struggling like mad)and burning sensation in chest AND BACK as crazy as it sounds is a symptom...also regardless of eating spicy foods or not my anxiety would give me heartburn from eating fast and hyperventilating (even drinking water gave me once a massive attack ) and guess what it felts like I couldn't breathe at all and then I belched massively after a good hour :doh: