View Full Version : Can you get so many symptoms one after another

10-04-16, 09:56
Hi, 25 year old male here.
been worried about a BT since around January time so 4 months now!
It all started because I suffer from regular headaches, in January I felt ache in my neck/back of head and felt spaced out, I did the silly thing and searched online and got obsessed with the thought of it being a BT.

Since then in the 4 months I have got so many different symptoms, all of which are listed of symptoms of BT.

Symptoms are

Regular headaches- not everyday but almost everyday, can come at any point in day, usually one sided, I take pizotfen at night although I am not convinced they are migranes
Weird feeling at back of head - right in the centre where skull bone is, it is a weird pressure which makes my neck stiffen slightly and pressure can radiate to my ears making my dizzy etc.
Dizziness when standing sometimes - feel like I am going to fall over, room doesn't spin I just feel uncomfortable on feet.
Floaters - I am seeing a lot of floaters and sensitive to light
Spaced out - feeling of not being there, everything is slow around me but when I am on feet I feel like I am moving quick in a slow environment.
Tired - going to bed earlier at night, can't be bothered to play video games or anything
Muscle twitches - twitching in left eye lid regular, also had bicep twitches leg twitches etc.
Weird pains in forearm wrist and elbow, worse when lift things but also shooting pains in legs - even when I am laid in bed relaxed they hurt.
Feeling sick not eating properly and feeling bit sickly
Weird hearing sensation - when it's quiet mainly at night for split seconds what I can hear changes I can't put it in to words what it feels/sounds like but it's strange, also started to get ringing in my ears worse in left.

My question is, how can anxiety cause all of these, I seem to worry about the next symptom then try and get my head around thinking it's anxiety then something else happens and makes me freak out.
Can anxiety cause these and cause so many? Why are they all linked to what I am worried about?

Anyone with similar symptoms please reply or anyone with information.

I am going to see a neurologist in may regarding headaches after I kept ringing my doctors, also I went regarding some of these symptoms not the ear ringing because that is recent, and doc said
anxiety can cause these.

Also may I add that because of arm pain and weird feeling I have got worried about ms or als
And with these hearing sensations and muscle twitches I am scared incase they are seizures

Sorry for long winded
Has anyone went from symptom to symptom all the time

10-04-16, 15:21
I've had loads of different symptoms, all of which can be explained by anxiety. Have a look at the home page here. There is a section on articles, where there is one on symptoms. It explains why we get them. Might be helpful x

10-04-16, 16:10
My question is, how can anxiety cause all of these?

Like 23fish said, the symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) link has all your symptoms and more listed. Having symptom after symptom and jumping from one to the other, sometimes in the space of the day is also really common as evidenced on the boards (especially HA). You're hyper-focused on every physically sensation and body noise so it doesn't surprise me in the least the number of symptoms you're claiming to have.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In the 4 months since your anxiety started, if indeed this were sinister, you would be quite ill by now.

You're posting on an anxiety forum so somewhere deep down you know this to be the case. Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

10-04-16, 18:38
Thanks for reply

I do indeed know hat I suffer from anxiety because of the amount of worrying I do.

It's just when I get so many symptoms I doubt that it could all be from that.
It's just constant 24/7 symptoms different ones I keep getting.

I have been referred for cbt so see when that starts, I have been given amitriptyline but haven't started yet because I would rather not get addicted to a anti depressant so not sure If I should start them. Until this last 4 months I haven't suffered with anxiety for 2 years badly, but this has been very bad.

I never feel good, sometimes really dizzy and spaced out completely, plus all the other symptoms.

I just want to get to the neurologist and hopefully find that everything is OK, so I can 100% put this down to anxiety and then do the cbt long term.

10-04-16, 22:23
The main symptoms of brain tumor is seizures, headache that causes severe nausea or vomiting, especially after lying down, true weakness, particularly on one side of the body, coordination issues, numbness on one side or another, real visual disturbances and hearing issues. After 4 months of a brain tumor large enough to cause symptoms, a doctor, or probably someone in your family would be able to recognize a difference in you. Almost all your symptoms are also symptoms of anxiety as well.

As far as pain, ALS isn't a disease that really causes pain - the hallmark symptom is true, clinical weakness, ie: not being able to hold a coffee cup, or tripping and falling when you walk, cause a leg/foot muscle is too weak.

Go to the doctor and get some peace of mind - I'd say most likely you dont have anything wrong at all.

11-04-16, 21:52
Hi, 25 year old male here.
been worried about a BT since around January time so 4 months now!
It all started because I suffer from regular headaches, in January I felt ache in my neck/back of head and felt spaced out, I did the silly thing and searched online and got obsessed with the thought of it being a BT.

Since then in the 4 months I have got so many different symptoms, all of which are listed of symptoms of BT.

Symptoms are

Regular headaches- not everyday but almost everyday, can come at any point in day, usually one sided, I take pizotfen at night although I am not convinced they are migranes
Weird feeling at back of head - right in the centre where skull bone is, it is a weird pressure which makes my neck stiffen slightly and pressure can radiate to my ears making my dizzy etc.
Dizziness when standing sometimes - feel like I am going to fall over, room doesn't spin I just feel uncomfortable on feet.
Floaters - I am seeing a lot of floaters and sensitive to light
Spaced out - feeling of not being there, everything is slow around me but when I am on feet I feel like I am moving quick in a slow environment.
Tired - going to bed earlier at night, can't be bothered to play video games or anything
Muscle twitches - twitching in left eye lid regular, also had bicep twitches leg twitches etc.
Weird pains in forearm wrist and elbow, worse when lift things but also shooting pains in legs - even when I am laid in bed relaxed they hurt.
Feeling sick not eating properly and feeling bit sickly
Weird hearing sensation - when it's quiet mainly at night for split seconds what I can hear changes I can't put it in to words what it feels/sounds like but it's strange, also started to get ringing in my ears worse in left.

My question is, how can anxiety cause all of these, I seem to worry about the next symptom then try and get my head around thinking it's anxiety then something else happens and makes me freak out.
Can anxiety cause these and cause so many? Why are they all linked to what I am worried about?

Anyone with similar symptoms please reply or anyone with information.

I am going to see a neurologist in may regarding headaches after I kept ringing my doctors, also I went regarding some of these symptoms not the ear ringing because that is recent, and doc said
anxiety can cause these.

Also may I add that because of arm pain and weird feeling I have got worried about ms or als
And with these hearing sensations and muscle twitches I am scared incase they are seizures

Sorry for long winded
Has anyone went from symptom to symptom all the time

If it makes you feel any better, I have had all these symptoms and more in the last two weeks. and more... It pains me to admit that all of these could in fact be anxiety and depression. I probably will have to just accept it.

I too worry it could be more but then I worry about going to the doctor. Maybe is you haven't gone to the doctor you should at least check them out and after that you will know that it is anxiety and depression. I have been checked out about seven months ago and about a year ago I was in the hospital with all kinds of test and they never really found anything other than I was dehydrated and pre diabetic...but mostly contributed pretty much everything to anxiety and then pushed me out the door after 7 days of testing and scanning and xrays etc..

Anyway hope you feel better but if you haven't been checked be sure to so that you know the doctors did check you out.. just for your peace of mind. Take care.

15-04-16, 08:14
Hello WTW12,

Just know you are not alone!!
Although it may feel this way right now because it is all new to you. In time believe me, you will see for yourself it is indeed anxiety. 8 months ago I joined this site when my anxiety all started. I have had a severe case. Nearly every symptom on Anxietycentre.com I have had! It is not a great experience to go through indeed! My whole life has changed since then and at first it may of felt for the worse but it has definitely been for the better!
I am thankful to have gone through this!! This is going to make us all stronger when we come out of the other side!! It is a blessing in disguise.

My life was soo stressful before all this and I was always unhappy and negative and it was only a matter of time before I was going to have a nervous breakdown.

This anxiety alerts me when I am overworked now ..mentally and physically. And I know when to slow down. Before I would ignore the signals and I kept pushing the limits with my stress.

I want you to know you are not alone!!! I thought I was too
I thought my anxiety was the worse case out there and no one could of possibly have gone through this. But believe it or not there is millions of peoplr going through this right now!! Try talking to colleagues, friends, family... you will be surprised how many are going through the same battles but are just masking it.

My advice from my own experience .. go see a neurologist, get a MRI of your brain, get blood tests. Watch them all come back negative one by one! And you still wont believe them! But do this until you are satisfied and you start to realize you are completely healthy and this is all just stress and anxiety :)

If you have any questions, you can PM me. I will be more then happy to answer any questions or assist you with anything.

God bless,

15-04-16, 11:13
This is mad but all the symptoms you have listed i have right now

some days they go away a bit and others they come back

the worst for me is this pressure feeling i get on left side of the top of my head, it comes and goes but mainly always in the same spot, could this be a tumor ?

i also feel like im walking on a boat sometimes and i feel it hard to talk sometimes, like my jaw is stiff

the doc said my headache isnt anything to worry about, its not really pain its more of a fullness or pressure, sometimes it goes away then comes back

15-04-16, 11:25

I literally had or sometimes still have all of youre symptoms! You just have to chill.

I had a really bad time 3 years ago, a meltdown how de doctor called it. And then all the symptoms started because is didnt believed my doctor, neurologist and many more specialists.. So what did i do? GOOGLE! Thats the part i regret the most.. I feel i can work in a hospital because i know so many things about different diseases, but Google isnt a good source!

It took lots of work to get a little better, and sometimes i go back into that dark hole, especially when i'm stressed out. It only took a while before i figured what stressed me.

Its a long road but you'll get there!! Just believe in yourself, your body, your mind and your doctors, they know what they're doing!

I hope my story helps and sorry for my spelling, im from Amsterdam :).


15-04-16, 14:23
I did beat anxiety for about 4 years, i was overweigh tthen i got in amazing shape and it all just dissapeared, now its back again

do you have any support from family or kids etc ?

15-04-16, 16:18
In the last 2 months, I have had -

extreme dizziness
weak sensation on my right side (arm/leg)
strange pains on top/in back of head
extreme nausea
ringing in ears
shaking 24/7
limb jerking
body wide muscle twitching
pain in limbs
body vibrating/buzzing in the morning
buzzing/tingling/burning sensation in the soles of my feet/heel
pain in my hands and feet specifically, but also everywhere at points
tingling/numbing sensations in face/limbs

I have been to the doctor 3 times in 2 months and every time he tells me its just anxiety. It's hard to believe him, but I do my best.

17-04-16, 20:37
Thank you to everyone for replies.
I have been to my doctors, who said that anxiety can cause these symptoms.
Also had blood tests, all came back normal apart from vitamin D was slightly low.
Some of the symptoms have eased off last few days and I feel bit better in myself.

Only thing is the weird sensations and pain etc in arm has continued as have the muscle twitches.

I can't describe what arm feels like, I still have strength in arm no problem picking things up etc.
But i get mild pain sensations near wrist up forearm and around elbow, at first was left arm for a day or so and now my right arm for almost 2 weeks. Every day. If I am active and not sat still or laid down I don't feel it as much but sometimes when I pick something up it feels strange.

Also I get some pain in my right leg behind calf and knee, again mild and on and off, like cramping. Again mainly when still or driving etc.

The muscle twitches have continued, left eye lid, right leg right foot..different places get the twitching again when I am sat down or in bed. The left eye twitch can happen anytime.

This has got me worried these last 2 weeks of ms. I had given that no thought first few months because of worry of brain tumour, but since these feelings started and I looked online about it, I've got obsessed thinking it could be that. I don't know if it's really common or rare there isn't much data on it apart from most people seem to be around my age 25.

Can anxiety cause like nerve ache and shooting dull pains and so many muscle twitches. It seems like anxiety can cause anything but certain things like this are hard to believe.

On one side I know I've suffered bad health anxiety last few months so wonder whether that's why, but then I think what if it isn't my anxiety.

Also sometimes feel like have creepy crawly feeling under skin like tingly.

Also if holding phone for example for a few minuted in right hand will get tingling in arm and even the top of my arm starts to ache.
Anyone had these feelings? Can you create weird feelings because you have seen them posted as symptom?

18-04-16, 04:00
Ive had and do have all of that. Muscle twitching takes a long time to go away.

25-04-16, 10:19
I have had every symptom you mentioned and more
Especially if I am using that muscle it will ache, burn, tingle and twitch. Some symptoms have died down but others remain.

26-04-16, 05:50
I had a bout of anxiety a while ago that lasted for about 2-3 months. It was terrible, I had more symptoms than I can count or even begin to remember right now. But at least 20+ and they were always changing. I was convinced I had cancer and was going to die. The more I focused on something to "study" it, the worse it got until the next day another thing popped up and it was the same story all over again. Anxiety messes with your body in weird ways and affects your nervous system as well which controls A LOT of bodily functions. It also messes with your mind and can make you perceive things differently than normal. Try not to worry so much, I know it's hard but maybe talk to your friends/family for support. Best of luck!!

26-04-16, 06:05
How did it go away? Meds?


26-04-16, 14:45
How did it go away? Meds?


I got support from people close to me, and that paired with the knowledge that my anxiety was causing my symptoms helped me get over it for the most part

02-05-16, 20:32
Thanks for replies.

Gladly some of my symptoms have eased off, some are still here.

The scariest symptom is the strange head pressure I am getting. It worries me the most because it feels awful and also it has been with me since January and was first symptom I had.
Haven't had It everyday but almost.

I will try and explain what it feels like but it's difficult.

A weird feeling at the back of my head, not sure whether it is my neck or skull.
It feels as if something is wrong with my brain at the back.
It is a strange pressure which makes my whole head feel heavy and whenever I turn my head it feels heavy and dizzy.
With this I am spaced out.

This is worse when I go to work, when I am on my feet and if it is busy at work it is worse. I struggle just standing there because my head feels intense pressure and as if my head is rocking.
If I am at work it will turn into a headache a lot of the time and pressure will spread to around ears and over head.

But it seems there isn't something right with my neck or skull at the back
It feels better if I am sat or laid down but I struggle to get my neck and head comfy when sat.

I just can't imagine how anxiety can possibly cause this intense pressure as if my brain is going to burst.

Anyone had anything similar

02-05-16, 20:54
Ive had all these symptoms too at various times over the years. I could fill pages of symptoms, none ever turned into anything sinister, thank God.