View Full Version : What is going on :(

10-04-16, 11:45
Im feeling so down at the min with this HA
It's literally took over my life.
I woke up this morning feeing fine and then an hour later my stomach started to bloat and i started to feel shaky again.
I dont really think I feel anxious but I dont know if i am at the back of my mind.
I have some random syptoms, bloating, shaking, slight neck pain. None of them are constant but theyre there and i cant stop thinking about them once they start.
Its my totm and id normally put it down to that but its been since before my lest period that i have felt like this.
I have had drs apts and telephone consultations and none of the drs seem concerned at all but I am. I just wish I knew how to control my anx better so i could figure out what symptoms are still there.
I dont really know what im looking for with the post, i geuss i just needed to get this off my chest and see if anyone had any similare experences or advice.
I know ive posted similar stuff before but i just dont have anyone to talk to really xxx

10-04-16, 13:14
Are you eating properly? Shakiness could be a sign of low blood glucose levels, and bloating is typical of totm.

Neck pain I would say might be because you are subconsciously anxious your muscles are all tensed up. Maybe book in for a nice relaxing massage and see if that eases everything for a while.

Hope you feel better soon-don't let the dreaded HA win!!


10-04-16, 15:43
Well no I'm not really eating much at all, my appetite is always bad when I'm feeling like this, I usually drink a lot of hot drinks during the day as well which i havent been doing either.
The bloating has been on and off for a while now, longer than usual for totm :/
Thank you for your reply :) it helps to get a bit of advice xx

10-04-16, 15:59
Ahh dehydration could be at the bottom of the bloating if you're not drinking enough-try upping your water intake (or even tea if you prefer) and see if that helps :-)

10-04-16, 16:38
Ahh I didnt know that could cause bloating & I know im not drinking enough!
I'll try that and see how it goes!!

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me xxx