View Full Version : Worried about dad- lung cancer

10-04-16, 15:47
Hi everyone
My ha is really bad today.. worrying about my dad who has been booked in for an ultrasound next week as he is persistently tired, rapid heart rate, chills and high temp and a blood test showed raised liver enzymes (doctor also thinks maybe gallstones). I am terrified and finding it difficult to cope.
He has had a persistent cough for weeks now which he hasn't told the doctor about and they haven't picked up during appointments so of course I have convinced myself it is late stage lung cancer that has spread (his father smoked in the house so has a risk) and all the other symptoms are because of this too.
I think I will just need to accept that he is seriously ill so wondering if anyone has any advice on how to do this, I will practice some cbt and meditate but currently too anxious to focus :(

11-04-16, 04:54
It's worth him telling his GP about the coughing as it may help them work out what the problem is but that doesn't mean it is lung cancer. Several of those symptoms can appear across many illnesses and a couple don't appear as symptoms anyway from what I know so I would imagine that is why his GP hasn't thought of testing for it because incorrect symptoms help them rule out what it could be until they reach what does fit.

If he had a terminal stage lung cancer, he really would be very unwell. My GF's mum has this and within weeks of it starting she had been in hospital and stayed in for a couple of weeks of testing. She couldn't get up a flight of stairs more than once a day. Hers was much more than a persistent cough for weeks, she was struggling to breathe.

My mum had a persistent cough for months. In the end she asked about it and an x-ray revealed fluid in the lung which turned out to be because of her meds. There are so many possibilities so don't let the scaremongering adverts win in your mind on this because the reality is far from this.

11-04-16, 21:56
Thank you so much for your reply. Once you start thinking of the big c it's hard to discredit other more rational alternatives until you hear some real examples!
I will try hold onto the fact he hasn't lost any weight, is still pottering about and I have never been right about any of my health predictions for those close to me and myself.
It's just agonising waiting and I'm supposed to be relocating across the country in a few weeks so stressed about that and stressed that it will turn out he is I and I will be miles away!
Will just have to keep practicing mindfulness and remember that my thoughts are like a radio, I can just try not listen.
Thanks again

13-04-16, 10:58
There is no evidence whatsoever that he has any kind of cancer ...be strong and ignore the thoughts ...

13-04-16, 23:32
Ellie I'm literally the same about my mum. I'm SO convinced at the moment that she has Lung C even though her only symptom is a cough that she and everyone else thinks is hay fever. Worrying about others really is the most exhausting thing, but you'll get through it and it'll be nothing. I'm sure of it. :)