View Full Version : Breast pain

10-04-16, 21:44
Hello this is the first time iam posting on here but I've been stalking the forum in order to find some answers... I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and went through cbt and counselling and was doing great up until I got this horrible breast pain back in November... got the breast checked out on two occasions and was told that there's was no lump and to keep on taking ibuprofen which I did the first time but the second time around messed about and just kept on injuring myself I guess ( painting and picking up my 12kg toddler)
Well here iam today in pain , pain that radiates from the outside of my right breast to my shoulder blade and on the outside of my armpit..
Iam so so scared almost convinced my husband to take me to the hospital but decided to contact out of hours who said it sounds muscular and to.make an appointment with my gp tomorrow... I can't describe the pain it is bad and pain killers only take the edge off ( talking about 200mg of ibuprofen or some paracetamol if iam really in.pain) iam so so scared...looking for a few words of encouragements really... breast cancer just freaks me out and I'm 99.9% sure I have it

10-04-16, 21:52
I would take comfort from the fact no lump was found. Keep taking the painkillers and do go back to your GP, just to be on the safe side. The way you describe it does sound muscular.

10-04-16, 21:54
Please try not to worry. It sounds as though it is muscular. I have a similar pain at the moment in my left breast. Have checked for lumps, redness and can't find anything. The pain comes and goes. X

10-04-16, 22:06
Thank you for the support I will try not to go into panic mode tonight ( can't really predict a night time panic attack unfortunately) but will call and make an appointment first thing tomorrow morning...I just had enough of this constant pain that heaviness it's like being aware of my right breast all the time... ive convinced myself that this time this is IT this is the time I ll be right and there's something awfully wrong with me...never ending circle :wacko:

10-04-16, 22:19
As I've discovered myself of late, awareness of a part of the body and sensitivity to it can appear to worsen the pain. It could be that your worry has made a slight twinge feel much worse than it actually is.

11-04-16, 07:49
As predicted I didn't get much sleep felt as if I have a massive bruise on the side of my breast and even holding a hot bootle against it didn't help much... iam so panicked it's as if my breast is going to explode ( sounds crazy right ) everyone in the house is fast asleep and iam thinking that my gp is going to diagnose me with something sinister and give me an urgent referral to the breast clinic surely that much pain can't be right :huh: how can you pull a muscle next to your breast???

---------- Post added at 07:10 ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 ----------

Just booked an appointment ( would be a sit and wait emergency appointment great) and iam not even sure that it would be with a female doctor so iam thinking maybe cancelling the appointment and make another one but God it hurts

---------- Post added at 07:49 ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 ----------

Turned out won't see my doctor until Wednesday....trying to keep the pain at bay with painkillers until then:weep:

11-04-16, 12:35
Hi Momaof2

Before I was diagnosed with HA I suffered with searing pain from my right breast into my right arm and into my shoulder blade. the pain at times was so unbearable that I would take a mixture of pain killers which would not touch a single ounce of the pain. of course I thought I had breast cancer and was going to die!!!

rewind 6 months and my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and my granddad with terminal lunch cancer and that when my HA started (without knowing ) evry little thing that was wrong with me I was going to die..so far I have had:
Breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, oral cancer, Cervical Cancer (although my smear did come back High grade changes and I did need extensive treatment for it) Lukeimia, heart failure.. you name it I had it!

back to painful breast..one year on and god knows how many viits to hospital, drs surgery and antidepressents I have taken a good hard look at my life and for whatever reason seem to be doing quite well.. I have noticed that if I begin to feel anxiety build I get aches and pains in my breasts and it doesn't go away.. I have learnt to live with it and the less I think about it the quicker it relieves its self. research also shows that women my age (early 30s) can also start to get premenopausal which can also result in breast soreness (I say that but we all no they feel like they are going to explode)

Im sorry if I rambled but hopefully t may help?

PS I also had my boobs checked 4/5 times.. no lumps found and pain still was their.. good luck and hope they feel better soon xx

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 ----------

PS: no amount of pain killer will take the pain away especially if it is hormonal or anxiety related :-(

PPS: if it were breast cancer it would not hurt..

stay positive.. if you want to chat PM me xx

11-04-16, 16:48
Hello lottie and thank you very much for offering support:) today started bad and for some funny reason I had no pain while working out to then return lol pain killers don't help much so I've decided to stop and to try and stay positive ( hopefully it ll last ).
My mom has had enough of me talking about my breast and so is my husband... my Ha always been here on the hide and I guess it has something to do with my father passing away at my age (29).
I guess the birth of my second child triggered it ( had a panick attack the following day and was sure I was going to die ...previously to it I was complaining of chest pain to the midwife)
Looking back I know that it's ridiculous but I feel like I can't enjoy myself and I feel sorry for the husband .

12-04-16, 10:30
I found it was hard for me to reason with myself initially after the DR told me there was no concern, so I started to write down when the pain kicked in and how I was feeling Ie: anxiety, pre menstrual, upset, angry etc and finally a pattern appeared and I could see it was attached to one of the emotions/feeliings. this helped my HA a lot!!! because now when I get breast pain I don't need to write it down I just no that its related to one of the above.

give it ago X

12-04-16, 13:14
Iam most definitely going to try this ... I slept fine yesterday but today morning Iam a bit worried probably because of tomorrow's appointment... iam gonna keep a log of when the pain is the worst it's worth a try ..thanks

12-04-16, 13:17
you will be ok! stay strong x x

13-04-16, 17:21
A little update...went to the doctor anxious like never before been told it is still muscular and to rest and use painkillers...My HA still tells me that she told me to come back in 2 weeks if still in pain and asked if I was feeling good otherwise ( do I ? Like do I really feel ok ? Why did se ask? Lol) you get the drill ....anyways hoping the pain goes away... at least she had a feel and found nothing Nadal just funny tissu so yeah tend towards muscle pain