View Full Version : Really anxious today

07-03-07, 10:01
Hi everyone. Sorry to come onto the forum and grizzle about my problems again but I'm having a 'bad day'. I've just seen my GP and he's very kind but even he couldn't help much. We have several issues going on (our landlord is selling the flats where we live and the future is hanging in the balance with regard to housing and my daughter is having tests for possible liver damage) so I guess the anxiety has risen because of all that stuff. It's worse in the mornings-I wake at 3-4am sweating and panicking and getting bad palpitations. The doc gave me some diazepam a few weeks ago but I'm scared to take it because it is so addictive so I rely on CBT techniques to get me through the worst few hours in the morning. Today they don't work and I feel a real woose. What does everyone do when they feel this way? I guess I just need a bit of support today. best wishes to all xxx

07-03-07, 10:16
Hi Maz, sorry to hear you're not doing so good at the moment. Not surprising with all that's going on in your life. I wouldn't be afraid to take the diazepam if you need it. Occasional use is fine, it's just if you're taking it all the time it causes problems. I always a keep some in my handbag and am no longer afraid to take it and because I know I can I rarely need to. It's just the comfort of knowing it's there. Your GP won't have prescribed it if he/she didn't think you needed the occasional support of it. My therapist tells me I'm beating myself up if I don't take diazepam when I need it and I'm beginning to believe her.

Hope this helps and/or makes sense!

07-03-07, 11:12
hi mazzy,
sorry your having a bad day with it,its awful i no,i just wanted to say to yoy about the diazapam,the doctor perscribed me some and i just took a few round about the time of my dads funeral,and another time to help me through a certain day,it helped to take the edge of for me,i havnt had any or thought about them since but no they are there for back up,
dont worry about taking the odd ones mazzy,when you feel at your worse.

i really hope you feel better soon in yourself

07-03-07, 11:13
Hi Maz I really understand where you are coming from been there so many times I. I was addicted to diazepam many years ago also was addicted to alcohol as I used alcohol as an escape route, When I was addicted I was taking up to 40 to 60mg a day with lots of alcohol, this was about 30 years ago. I don’t take diazepam now and only go out twice a week for a hour and only have about 3 drinks, but when I do hit a rock bottom stage and feel I cant take anymore I will take a diazepam, I am real scared of dentist so I do take one then and if you only take when really needed you wont become addicted an odd one might even make you feel a bit better as it will give you a rest from the suffering, even if it is only for a few hours the rest for your body and mind might do you good. I haven’t took a diazepam now for over 3 years and that was just one for a dentist appointment, But if I did get down to my lowest I sure would take an odd one, Hope you feel a bit better soon and if you ever want a chat I am cov49:hotmail.com on msn, or you can PM. Take care. Vernon

07-03-07, 11:19
Hi Sweetie,

So Sorry you are feeling so bad hun. Tis not suprising all what you have going on at the moment mate.

Take deep breaths breath into your brown paper bag http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_18_5.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)and lots of Rescue Remedy not all at the same time may I add! :sign20:

Just remember I'm always here if you need me hun.

Take care and take it easy,

Sending you loads of BIG BIG HUGS http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_2_104.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)and POSITIVE VIBES:yesyes: coming your way.

Love & More Hugs,

Pip's X X X X http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_7_15.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

07-03-07, 12:05
Thank you all for replying-Its lovely to read your messages xxx

07-03-07, 14:07
Hey, it takes a lot of strength just to keep on going with that kind of anxiety and panic. You're doing well. I think you should try the med your Doc perscribed, just to see if it works for you. It could really be a big help in getting you through some rough patches. My Doc gave me lorazepam and while it can be addicting, it can also be a big help in getting you through a rough time.

As for me... oh boy, what do I do? Usually if I'm feeling that bad I'll take lorazepam to help calm me down, but I tend to watch movies a lot, or write in my note book. Some times I even just play games constantly to distract myself. I try breathing excercises and use CBT techniques and it all helps, it's just a matter of choosing which tool to use at which time I think. EFT helps me a lot too.

Have you got any relaxation CDs or anything like that? They can definitely be a big help when you're feeling really anxious. I find that some times listening to music really calms me down, I like Mozart, Bethoven, lots of classical stuff.

The meds can really be a help. I know you're nervous about taking them or getting addicted, but for that reason I think you'll use caution and take them only as you need. Just use caution and you should be fine with them. I know lorazepam has helped me through some really hard times.

Good luck and God bless you, hope you feel better soon,


07-03-07, 14:26
Hiya Mazz, its just awful trying to control those feelings, and you do have alot on at the moment, but its always the feelings that drive us balmy!!! whenever I get those days, for some reason I watch a film for inspiration, to lift my mood, or just listen to latin instrumentals, the sound of panpipes just puts me in another place completly , and for those few hours, my mood has been lifted and the anxiety. I hope you feel better real soon. skylight

07-03-07, 16:01
There are some lovely people on this site-you have all cheered me up today and I will try some of the things suggested. I hope I can help in the same way if you need a friend when you're feeling as rough as I was earlier! I do feel much better this afternoon-I get better as the day goes on usually! Cheers, mates!! xxxxxx

07-03-07, 16:09

Sorry to hear you are going through a bad time at the moment. I am not supprised you are feeling the way you do with so much stress and tension in your life at the moment.

Regarding the Diazepam, I was prsecribed it a couple of times and I only took it when I really needed it. I found it great for relaxing me when I was really anxious and experiencing bad Insomnia. It helped me get a few nights good sleep which in turn helped me cope with things a lot better.

Hope you feel better soon

07-03-07, 21:22
hi as charlotte07, sage and mazzy said if you dont take for a long period and just the odd one diazapam are fine

07-03-07, 22:54
Hugs to you mazzywoo:hugs: