View Full Version : Swollen, full feeling on left side of abdomen

11-04-16, 01:33
For the past few days, I've noticed a strange sort of swollen feeling on the left side of my abdomen. It doesn't appear to actually be swollen at all from looking at it or feeling it with my hands, but I have the sensation of internal swelling. It's sort of hard to describe exactly, but it is not painful at all. It almost feels mildly numb, but definitely sort of tight and "full", like something inside has been enlarged.

The feeling is mild, but has been happening on and off now for about three days and getting more frequent. I have health anxiety and am also always afraid that whatever I'm nervous about is really nothing and that I'm overreacting. So it's a bad combination because I never want to go to the doctor and waste the money (I'm self pay, no insurance) just to be told I'm fine.

Does anyone have experience with this sort of feeling / any ideas on what could be causing it?

11-04-16, 16:50
I am experiencing something similar. Read my thread here to see how much yours matches.


I have had mine for about 6-7 weeks now. I have read online and found others who had every test and could find nothing. I went to the doctors and they told me mine was muscular, which is probably correct. I notice mine when sitting not when stretching/standing. I believe mine is actually anxiety + muscular but im not sure.

12-04-16, 09:02
Trapped gas in the upper left part of the colon near the spleen can cause such pain. There's one fancy term for this: splenic flexure syndrome. Splenic flexure is a part of the colon between its horizontal and vertical part. A simple term is "trapped gas." It may be associated with constipation.

I'm not sure if this is what you have, but if you do, it can help if you consume less soluble fiber (in legumes, barley, oats, apples..) and less sugar and more foods with insoluble fiber (greens, whole-grain bread).