View Full Version : thinking of working from home???

07-03-07, 10:59
hi guys and gals...

ive been thinking about earning some more money. due to the fact im agoraphobic i obviously need to do this from home. anyone got any ideas or experiance of working from home??? i absolutly love photography and wanted to get into that but that would mean approaching shops, pubs and hotels etc to sell/display my work so its a bit out of the question.. been looking on net but all seems a bit crap... and advice/experiance on suject/ideas????

07-03-07, 11:14
Hiya honeybee, this is a tricky one, its so hard to find paid work from working from home, and you being agraphobic thats not easy, so I understand your concerns, just wondering have you had any support with getting out at all, the reasons I ask this, is because the social services often run work shops in photography and art for people who are trying to recover from their illness and anxieites, but it would mean the obvious going out to them. Perhaps you could get hold of your local councils social services directory and see what is availble in your area.
It wont be paid though, but just a stepping stone that could open other doors for you. hope this helps. skylight

07-03-07, 11:24
yeah, i've just moved into a more built up area that im used to and getting a bus someqwhere, espacially cos im not familiar with the place is a bit tricky.. gulp.. to say the least.. lol
my fella will be taking over his boss's business by the end of the year and he's an electrician so im gonna start going out with him then, i know i shouldnt depend on him really but at least it'll build up my confidence with the public and hopefully become a stepping stone but until then im just looking for stuff to do at home really... thanks for replying

07-03-07, 12:45
Hi there

Go to the search box at the top and type in:

"working from home"

Make sure you put the quotes around it. You will see all the previous posts we have on here and some have some excellent ideas in them.

Happy hunting.

07-03-07, 12:48
Actually - if you also scroll right down to the bottom of this page - it shows similar threads there too !