View Full Version : pregnant help

11-04-16, 16:25
Hi I have after doing a pregnancy test and it's positive but I wasn't really expecting it to be. I did have unprotected sex but didn't think I would get pregnant. I am scared though am I really pregnant and was googling and things came up like ovarian cancer can cause a positive pregnancy test when you arnt pregnant but have cancer. I'm terrified it's something scary and not just pregnant. I have been attending my gp with underactive thyroid and anemia and last bloods my esr was raised to 28 or something so terrified I could have cancer and it's what is turning the test positive.

11-04-16, 17:12
Go see a doctor for confirmation and congratulations :)

11-04-16, 20:26
The likelihood that it is a totally freak and random thing like C rather than what a pregnancy test is supposed to show - a pregnancy - is slim to none.

The bigger issue here should be how you feel about becoming pregnant?

Tests can show false positives, so an appt with your doc ASAP is called for- as KatiePink said - to confirm things. x:hugs:

11-04-16, 20:39
Hello Crinkle. It's sometimes easier to get distracted by unlikely possibilities than to face up to the real issues. Getting pregnant can be a scary thing for some people, and that's ok. There's loads of support out there if you are pregnant, whatever happens. Have you told any of your friends or family yet?