View Full Version : Swollen gland in groin FEMALE!!!!

12-04-16, 00:14
Hi guys. I'm not new to this site infact only 4 months ago I suffered with extreme healthy anxiety! Christmas approached and it eased off a little, until the other night. Other night I was lying in bed and I was rubbing my stomach as it was a bit sore and somehow I noticed a lump on my LEFT groin. It's pea sized shape and it does move, since I've found it I've drove myself mad touching it constantly that it's actually started to become sore!! 😩 Went to my GP today and he said it was a swollen gland and they can become inflamed when fighting off an infection? But I've actually been ok recently so of course it made me panic and my anxiety is creeping back! He's arranged some blood tests just to make sure and said to go back if it gets any bigger. It's not painful more uncomfortable because I know it's there. I'm 24, female, have one little girl, fairly good health and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this? Sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved? Thankyou 😊😊😊 xxxxx

12-04-16, 00:18
It's pea sized shape and it does move, since I've found it I've drove myself mad touching it constantly that it's actually started to become sore!! 😩 Went to my GP today and he said it was a swollen gland and they can become inflamed when fighting off an infection?

It can also become inflamed when you've been constantly poking and prodding it. Did you tell him you were doing that? It will also prevent it from healing.

I've seen enough node posts to know that all will be well :)

Positive thoughts

12-04-16, 06:34
Node month continues, lol :D

Seriously though, there's no need to worry. Nodes in the groin can swell from something as simple as an ingrown hair you may not even have noticed, sand it being tender is a good sign.

My HA kicked off with 'node fear' - one in the middle of my neck which popped up with a throat infection and never went away. I was convinced it was huge but doctor reckons only 5mm! Said it felt completely normal and not to worry...but confession time, I still poke the sucker! I know it won't go down if I do it but the overwhelming urge to check if it's got bigger/miraculously disappeared takes over!

So basically your node is doing what's it's meant to-leave it alone and it'll probably disappear in its own time.

Now I'm off to take my own advice!!


12-04-16, 16:53
Now I've noticed its there it's annoying me and worrying me! My doctor said it was a swollen gland and arranged some blood tests to make sure. It's pea size and moves and I don't have one on the other side which is weird. I have been getting slight discomfort in my left side but don't know if this is anxiety now! It's awful lol 🤔🤔🤔

12-04-16, 17:04
I feel your pain-mine is pea sized and moves around, and only on the left side!

Dr said it felt normal so I'm gonna go with that, they feel a lot of them after all!

Once you notice it that's the worst as you just feel compelled to touch it

12-04-16, 21:16
Mine has started to throb😩 I hate it!!! Anxiety is awful isn't it? How long have you had yours?

12-04-16, 21:22
It's been there since mid-Feb, or at least that's when I first noticed it...in all likelihood it's been there forever?!

Having pain swallowing this afternoon/evening so just downing Gaviscon and avoiding Google as it will obviously tell me this and the node mean I'm a gonner!!

12-04-16, 21:47
Ah Hun I bet your perfectly healthy!! It's awful when we notice something and can't get it off our minds! What has your doctor said? Sometimes I feel like my doctor fobs me off.. It's been so tender today and mine is in my groin.. He did say it could become more enlarged if I have an infection so your sore throat could make your node feel bigger? Chin up, don't let anxiety rule you.. Xx

12-04-16, 22:04
The first doc I saw was all for me going back in 2 weeks for tests etc, I think it was that that was really bothering me and ramped up the anxiety. I ended up going back a week later and saw another doc who was absolutely lovely. She put my mind at rest about it being normal and said I could come back if I wanted blood tests for peace of mind but I certainly didn't have to as the node wasn't s worry for her

My sis had one in her groin and it was down to having a spot there - she said it was quite painful but it did subside after a while so hopefully yours will too

12-04-16, 22:13
My doctor felt it and had a good feel even felt the other side and then told me it was an enlarged gland and he didn't think it was nothing to worry about but he wanted to do some blood tests which I had today which was a full blood count.. He said if it got more painful to go straight back.. The doctor said it might be from me going the gym but I don't see how that can be true 🤔 I hope so as it is quite painful and makes my leg numb! Hope your feeling better soon too and get the answers u want.. Drop me a message if u ever need a friend xxx

12-04-16, 22:24
Thanks hon :hugs:

Hope yours feels easier soon and bloods come back ok (I'm sure they will)
