View Full Version : Hi I'm new and need help

07-03-07, 11:53
Hi all
Just came across this site by reading up more about panic attacks.

I have started 2 new jobs in the last month and after a few days with one, and one day with another i have found myself running away from them..not turning up etc because the attacks have stopped me goin in, and the only way of making myself feel better is by not turning up.

I hate not being in control of this, and now its making me worry that i still need a job or will not have any money coming in.

Been to my GP that has started me on some tablets, but i am still feeling the same when put in situations.
Really hating this at the moment and need help and advise really.
I dont know why i am gettin them really, have had them in the past but not so badly that they have made me run away from things to make myself feel better

Dont know who i am writing this to really, but i know someone will probably understand me on here.

Feel so stupid sat here in an internet cafe not far from my work, and i cant go in....feel like i cant go home either as my partner will ask why i am home. Feel a bit lost and out of place.


07-03-07, 11:57
Well you have certainly come to the right place for some reassurance and support.

Please have good look round, have a look at the links on the left and also a good read of plenty of the posts.

Welcome :D

Piglet :flowers:

07-03-07, 12:02
Hi Piglet and thanks for the welcome.

This sure does look like a good site and am reading up loads.

07-03-07, 12:11
Oh do,nt feel like that, tell your partner how you are feeling,what kind of meds did your g.p. give you? you are not alone ,i find rescue remedy helps me , it kinda takes the edge off a bit. Do,nt feel too bad either at taking time off from your job , ask to speak with someone at work and explain how you are feeling with them too. It will help ,trust me. if you feel like you can p.m. me or e,mail me anytime, and i will try to help you through this. everyone here will help you too. My e,mail addressis lorraine.rickards@ntlworld.com:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

07-03-07, 13:04
Hi Ams,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

07-03-07, 13:05
Hi A

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Unfortunately the only real way is to face it head on and not let it win over you. Don't give it the power it craves. You can do it and we will help you.

07-03-07, 13:12
Hi there Ams,

A BIG :welcome: to the site.

Take care

shirley xx

07-03-07, 13:55
Hiya there amskordis, it really is hard to take control of panic attacks, and it can have such a strong hold on your whole life, running away is your way of coping, its awful to feel that way, have you been under any kind of pressure lately, I mean sometimes you may have had lots on your mind, with work and stuff or maybe something else.
you do sound as if your very concerned to tell your other half, are you saying she's not aware you suffer from panic attacks? I can understand you maybe worried about telling her, but this could only cause you more anxiety, I do feel it maybe a good idea to tell her, if not today sooner or later she will have to know, as you cannot get to work because of it.
The info on the left is really useful and lots of us understand what you may be going through, whenever you feel a panic coming on, and your aware, try the breathing techique to calm yourself down, it may help, and think something if you can, positive or do something else to distract you , focus on something different rather than the symptons, I cannot tell you how the symptons can rule your every thinking, so that maybe something you can try, or just taking a book with you on your journeys!!!
Hope you feel alot calmer, with all the lovely people here and the support, your not alone with this.


07-03-07, 14:01
hi and welcome.

07-03-07, 15:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

07-03-07, 15:40
Hey and THANKS all you guys and gals..

its nice to hear from you all and get your support.

I am finding this site a real god send and chatting to some people in the forum was a great help.

I have told my partner about my anxiety and attacks but i dont think he really understands...its more like he just wants me to get over it and snap out of it. He can be ok, but i can see he doesnt understand it, and keeps making comments which make me sound like i can control them better etc, but when faced with certain situations i cant help them and do just run.

Have been on Citalopram the last couple of weeks so maybe they havent had a full effect on me at the moment. or maybe at the start they can sometimes intensify some feelings i am not sure. My GP is a good help, but i think from what i have been reading today its something that i need to analyse more and see what triggered them off in the 1st place...maybe its childhood bullying, or a bad sexual experience i had that kicked it all off...

Its nice to know people on here understand and am looking forward to making new friends.


07-03-07, 16:12
Hi Ant.

Welcome. Haven't been here long myself, but everyone is really nice and welcoming.

I am so sorry to read how you've been feeling. Well done for going to see your G.P. That can be hard in itself, but I think it is well worth having some professional support.

I totally understand what you are going through with work. It must be very stressful for you, especially as they are new jobs. Is there anyone at work you feel you could talk to about it? Personally, I have never told anyone at work, because I thought they would be 'watching me' for signs of panic. However, it is recommended that you do try to tell colleagues. Is there any way you can work shorter hours for a while?

Don't push yourself too hard - you will only make things worse. BUT, don't stop pushing yourself a little, because then it will take over. Well done for talking to your partner. It is very hard for people who havent suffered this condition to understand it. They think we should just 'snap out of it' , but we all know it is not that simple (if only it was!)

One of the hardest, but ultimately most important things you can do, is to stop yourself running away. I know it seems impossible at times, and you are convinced it is the best thing to do. It really, really isn't. The more you face the situation, however grotty you feel, the more you will retrain you mind into realising that it is ok, and you will be fine. You might feel dreadful at first, but the sensations ALWAYS pass off, and nothing bad actually ever happens.

I hope this doesn't sound too mean. I really don't mean it to. It just appears that you have caught it in its relatively early stages, and that is great. Well done for coming on here too. I hope you find lots of help and support.

Good luck! xxx

Freaky Chick
07-03-07, 18:18
Hi A

Welcome to the site and Big Hug :hugs:

You've done really well to get this far, and you really will find this site helpful i have :) I'm new too, and the stuff i've read here has been really helpful.

I know what it's like not to want to go into work, just before i got ill, i cried all the way there, and home again, just cos i had to go! It's a horrible feeling.

Cialopram can make you feel a little more panicky to start with, and it can take a few weeks to really get into your system and start working for you - but don't give up.

Maybe you could direct your partner to the site to do some reading too! Men's brains sometimes have a problem understanding this stuff unless they've experienced it. I have difficulty getting som eof my male friends to understand!! But they're getting there!

Is there an occupational health department at your workplace? some workplaces have them and offer confidential counselling or peer support. Keep talking to yourself, telling yourself good things that have happened, I find that helps lots! And breathe!!!

You will be ok and you will get through this.

More hugs :hugs:


07-03-07, 20:11
hi welcome to the forum, im sure you will find all the help you need here as theres lots of friendly faces to support you. have a look around and i hope its helpfull
ami xx

Pink Princess
07-03-07, 22:52
hey welcome to the site, it offers lots of info and support so i hope this helps you. you are not alone. x x take kare x x x x

11-03-07, 14:59
worm welcome to u

16-03-07, 21:46

16-03-07, 21:53
I totally understand how you feel, as I'm sure a lot of the other lovely people on here do.
When I am put in a place where I feel uncomfotable I have an uncontrollable urge to escape. That urge even comes before I reach a destination and I have to turn back just like you.
I hope you get the support you need here.
Take care
Charlotte x

17-03-07, 09:32
Hi ams
Welcome...I'm a newbie too, joined yesterday....

I can relate to your situation totally...I've been with my employer for 20 years...and only recently 12 months been getting feelings of terror and panic about going into work. My mind set and feelings are much improved when Im away from work....It leads me to think is work related.
Perhaps some one with greater experience of these things can share with us why we perhaps have this fear of going to work.