View Full Version : Are these safe to take with Sertraline (Zoloft)

12-04-16, 09:55
I am on 150mg a day of Sertraline or Zoloft for our american cousins.

I am wanting to get my health in check and would like to start a vitamin routine of the following but I worry myself about them interacting...

Choline Bitartrate
Para Amino Benzoic Acid
Ribonucleic Acid
Soya Protein
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin C
Vitamin E

14-04-16, 09:39
Can anyone experienced, advise?

14-04-16, 19:08
Can't help you, I'm afraid. A pharmacist would be able to look them up for you x

14-04-16, 21:28
Sorry, we aren't able to advise on this as we are not experts. I'd recommend that you discuss this with your GP.

I take a standard multi-vitamin tablet each day but it looks like you're talking about much more than that where there is a definite chance of interactions.

Best wishes


15-04-16, 05:44
Most of those are commonly in out foods but the question is always at what level and whether taking higher doses can have an impact.

If it was one or two, I don't mind checking to help people but that's a big list and would take time. So, I would suggest starting the way I would have and use Drugs.com's interaction checker by typing your med into it and then working through your list by doing the same as it will show up any recorded interactions. I think the problem you will have though is that most of those are vitamins and probably won't be on their database. In this instance, you could try looking on WebMD and reading the interactions tab to see if your med, or meds in the SSRI class or meds using the same liver enzymes as yours, get a mention.

Inositol is same with some SSRI's I have actually checked (according to Drugs.com) but I can't guarantee I checked yours.

Magnesium is certainly safe but if you take chelated form with an amino acid, that may need looking into but so because of an interaction but because certain amino acids may be not want you want to add in with anxiety.

Calcium is one to be careful with. We need it, but bare in mind it's also used with excitory neurotransmitters. Without plenty of magnesium to ward that off, I would be careful with a calcium supplement and you could probably get it from foods anyway if you look into your requirements.

Iron will be one to look into. Iron in pill form can give you constipation, it does me. The Spatone ones get recommended to avoid this, including by midwives to some pregnant members on here. Be careful messing around with iron levels though and remember, it needs vitamin C too.

Soya protein won't be an issue. Whey protein can be a problem with anxiety in some but I can't say I've seen anyone complaining about Soya for that but Soya can I think cause bloating and it's not popular because of this. There are other forms you can try though if you want vegan proteins but I'm not sure why you want this for anxiety, or is it just for health? Brown rice protein is showing to be as good as whey BUT it lacks one amino acid to make it a "complete protein" so people usually add peak protein to get around this. The supplement companies often mix them.

Choline I can't say I know much about. Nootropics is a good site talking about inositol and choline. Examine.com is a very good one which includes clinical trials and what they were used for as well as dosing advice and interactions of certain things.

B vitamins are already in the food you are eating. The question is going to be whether they are "activating" for you at higher levels. People on here are mixed from the threads I've seen and so it may be better to test the water with smaller doses if you suffer with being sensitive to food and supplements. There are threads on here (see the Natural Remedies board) about this if you do a search.