View Full Version : Why can't I shake it off?!

12-04-16, 10:06
I'm annoyed with myself. Plain and simple. :doh:

For the last 3 weeks, my HA has kicked off and sent my mind into overdrive. I thought I'd gotten over it at th Currently, my breathing is quite laboured and I'm exhausted. I work in a stuffy office, sat at a desk for 9 hours a day which is draining in itself (A lack of job satisfaction might be playing a part).
I've also just began swimming (2.5km in the last 2 days) and a bit of gym work which is tiring and I also have Hayfever/Rhinitis (Phlegmy Throat, bunged up, sometimes dry sinuses). All of these factors should suggest reasons for my current state but why can i not shake off thoughts of "What if it's something worse?"?
Do I need to rest more?! Do i need more fresh air?! I don't smoke or drink heavily, although I have a desk belly (flab and untoned) and I understand a bigger mid section can put pressure on the lungs and heart? :wacko:
I'm 5'9" and 12 1/2 stone.

How do people overcome the circle of strife? :wall:

12-04-16, 16:45

I can relate. I too have a desk job that on most days I wish I could walk away from. My recent bout with HA almost floored me though.

Have you tried diet? I recently am trying to eat more whole foods like grains, beans, fruit and vegetables and am finding that it helps tremendously with HA because hey, if there is something more, not doing any good by having a terrible diet right? However your sinus problem to me either points to weather or allergy. I get like that cycling when the weather is a bit cold or if there's pollen in the air. What usually helps is a hot shower or the opposite, a cold one, perhaps try that out?

If not a visit to your GP might help with finding anything to alleviate it, most times they'll just check your vitals make sure all is well and then prescribe a nasal spray for example.

Also, people with desk jobs get very deficient in vitamin D, does your office have windows? I take a 5000IU supplement per day and find that helps with my mood as well.

A combination of healthy eating, exercise and planning FUN for yourself after work usually helps alot but a visit to your GP wouldnt hurt either.

Take care

13-04-16, 10:42
Thank you for your reply Holds. After a nice chilled evening and a decent nights sleep, I'm feeling much better today than yesterday. My Anxiety seems to be abating gradually, and I can put my mind on other things more. Trying to ignore every "noise" my body makes is a challenge for me, but I think if i can master that then i should be able to relax more.

Diet-wise, my girlfriend and I are cutting out certain foods (Choc, Biscuits, Chips, Crisps) for the next month or so to see if there's a benefit. We have lots of berries, fish, salads, coconut milk etc... so i'm hoping I can trim down a bit. She's hoping to drop a dress size, and I'm hoping with my diet change and an increase in activity and i can lose some weight.

I actually have butterflies in my stomach, looking forward to going to the gym later. Apprehensive, but looking forward to it.