View Full Version : Not sure whether to believe the doctor!

12-04-16, 11:59
Hi there - please can anyone help?

I recently found what I thought was a small nodule type lump on the right side of my neck near to my collar bone (in all fariness it could have been there all my life, I just happened to feel it one evening! - of course major panic set in and I immediately presumed it to be an enlarged lymph node. Did the wrong thing and googled, that really put me into panic mode.

Sadly my mum passed away with lymphoma 18 years ago and I think that has been the trigger for my constant HA. This was probably the worst thing that I could have felt and was anxious all weekend. I prodded and poked it all weekend and ended up making my neck really sore. I managed to get an appointment at docs yesterday and she felt the area (couldn't feel anything at first) so I put my finger on the 'lump' - she gave it a thorough examination and said that she thought it was a blood vessel and that there was nothing that concerned her. She said it wasn't a lymph node. Problem is I am not convinced and am concerned that she is wrong and it is playing over in my mind - feel a fool to go back again and wish I could just accept her diagnosis and be done with it. I also showed her a mole on my little finger which although she thinks it is completely benign (have had 3 removed and they all have been ok) is referring me anyway because I am not sure if it has grown or not even though I have had it for years?! I am now putting the two things together and thinking that it could be skin cancer and hence the reason for the lymph node dilemma - I wish I could stop this turmoil in my head. The ridiculous thing is that in Jan I had full blood tests done and all was fine and I am sure if I had lymphoma etc something would have shown up?

Can anyone help me please...last week I felt really well and was getting on with life, then I feel this and it's downhill again. Sorry for the long moan...

12-04-16, 12:33
The question is, how could anyone here convinced you otherwise? The obvious answer is: "Of course, believe your doctor!" but the bottom line is that it's up to you to do so.

Positive thoughts

12-04-16, 13:22
That's very true Fishmanpa but I have known occasions when they get it wrong, hopefully this isn't one of them. Guess I am worried because I saw the new Registrar rather than my usual Doctor (who understands my anxiety) and in my silly brain, I worry that she is not as experienced...!