View Full Version : Will I ever be okay again?

12-04-16, 16:08
Next week I am going back for my final 6 weeks of sixth form before A levels, I should be worried about how little revision I have done, and about focusing on exams. But, instead, I can't drive, I can't leave my bed. My school is 40 minutes away so I normally drive myself there and back, but the last term I began having panic attacks driving and I felt unsafe on the road, and have not been able to drive since. I cant shake dizziness and feeling like I am going to die, even just sitting here in my bed I feel like this. I really dont know how I am going to cope next week, and for the next 6 weeks. It feels like I am in a hell that I cannot shake.

Last year, I was like this, but more obviously anxiety and depression and was put on fluoxetine/prozac, and was on that for 9 months.

I have been put back on that and am currently on day 10. By this point last year, I had felt a difference, but I cannot feel that anymore and its scaring me that they arent going to work, and that I will never be able to live again, or drive, which I had never had panic attacks with until 4 weeks ago, but do not and will not drive while feeling unsafe not just for me but other drivers.

Any tips/has anyone been through this and felt so helpless and like there is no light?

12-04-16, 18:26
Ive felt this way too and yeah work probably had a good hand in triggering it like school maybe doing it for you too.

I never took Antidepressants though, not saying they don't work, I just was terrified of them so I never did. I did get through it though and I'm sure you will too.

Are you able to do anything you enjoy? The driving thing is a bit scary but perhaps cycling or walking maybe? How about diet? I know that things can seem overwhelming when you tack on something else like a new diet or exercise but those both do help.

I never really did therapy but some people benefit from it. Otherwise youtube TED videos, eat really healthy meals and just try to wait it out, sometimes these things just take time but they will end no doubt.

Try and get some support, post on here and whenever these thoughts arise, distract yourself put a mental stop sign up STOP I will not give any attention to these thoughts or feelings and move on. It takes practice but it does work eventually.

Take care

12-04-16, 21:50
Hi Anxiousbelle,

Restarting anti-depressants can be a tough experience and they seem to take longer to work and side effects seem to be worse I once told a psychiatrist about this and he said he had heard many patients say this but there was no evidence chemically for this .
I was the same the second time taking Citalopram and was fraught with severe anxiety and insomnia for well over 1 week in the second week I slowly became less of a mess but in total I would say three to four weeks for my mood to stabilise to something near normal.
Driving was out of the question for those weeks and I have driven for over 20 years. To this day driving can be quite stressful as you seem to ruminate on long journeys or sometimes catastrophize about accidents .
The medication will start to work I hope for you but it can be tough to see the benefits at first .
When I restarted Citalopram for third time I could write a book on that episode :)

Take Care