View Full Version : Jumpy at noises

12-04-16, 16:24
Hi. Does anyone else find that sudden noises really affect them and makes them jump? For me it can be the click of the heating coming on, or someone sneezing or coughing suddenly in the room. The phone ringing makes me jump out of my skin so I've had to turn the ringer off! I'm OK with background noise like the TV (unless there is a sudden change in the volume, say for the adverts) but other sudden noises go right through me, it is a physical feeling, like an electric shock has gone through my body. Will this go as my anxiety subsides? I'm on day 11 of 10mg citalopram but had this prior to starting the meds.

12-04-16, 17:37
I'm like that too. I'm always very nervous so loud noises make me jump.

12-04-16, 18:34
Will it ever stop?

12-04-16, 18:57
That sounds like general anxiety symptoms, heightened senses with sound, touch and sight, with sound being the MOST common.

Tell me do these sound very very loud to you?

I believe that anxiety goes through phases such as, discovering the anxiety, panic because its unknown, then heightened sensitivity to the senses. I also do believe that yes they will end and you'll be fine. In the meantime just distract yourself and ignore them, they eventually lose their hold.

12-04-16, 19:27
Yes, and you are quite right about the other senses too: smell, sight, sound and touch are all heightened with me. The only thing that has diminished is my sense of taste which has completely disappeared along with my appetite.

12-04-16, 20:46
Yes during my panic stricken period, this following a bad experience, I had no appetite and lost 50 lbs within 2 months, I'd get intermittent "relief" periods for a few hours and be so hungry I would eat anything.

I never did think any of that would end but a month later or so I was completely fine. Just keep pressing forward you'll get through it I'm sure!

12-04-16, 21:09
Thank you. I'm hoping the citalopram kicks in soon.

12-04-16, 21:12
Yes this is me i am very 'jumpy' like you say even with the sound of the heating coming on, anything i hear at night makes me jump even if it's a very common noise, i jump at everything, my therapist said it's due to being in a constant 'fight or flight' mode, so my body is always ready for something(danger). Strange and annoying x