View Full Version : Hello - new to this and confused. Help!

Lady Penelope
12-04-16, 17:12
I am a new member. I will briefly explain what has happened to me. I was getting short of breath every night for a few weeks back in November to went to see doctor. Said I had lung infection so prescribed antibiotics. Breathlessness did not go away - it was very bad when I lay down. Went to A @ E twice with breathlessness and chest pain. Lung infection was gone (not sure it was every really there as I did not have a cough.) Had ECG and bloods - all fine. Woke up one morning early feeling breathless and chest pain, pins and needles in arms and hands, dizzy and faint and feeling sick. Husband called ambulance and I was taken to A & E. Heart, lungs and bloods all checked again - said all fine apart from phosphate levels which were very low so put on phosphate drip. Doc said low phosphate caused by hyperventilation. Said I was suffering from anxiety which really surprised me as I did not realise I was anxious. This happened agai at he weekend and again I was taken in by ambulance. Again they could find no reason for it. No one has mentioned 'Panic Attack' to me but from reading through this forum this sounds like a strong possibility. I am still breathless at night and having nightmare and wake up often. Husband says my breathing is laboured at night. I find it hard to belief anxiety can make me have so many physical symptoms and make me feel like I am about to die. I feel embarrassed to have called an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack only to be told by the doc 'you can deal with this at home with a paper bag'! Have had echocardiogram and showed a minor valve problem - nothing significant. Still feel breathless every night and worried about it happening again. Have stopped fluoxetine which I had been taking since Jan for menopausal symptoms in case they were contributing to nightmares. Doc at A @ E said it was ok to stop straight away as I had only been on them a few months and a very low dose. Also stopped drinking alchohol and eating chocolate. Been trying breathing excercises and mediation but don't really know what else to do. Does it sound like a panic attack? Don't know where to go from here.

12-04-16, 22:51
Hi and welcome!

That sounds uncomfortable, perhaps another doctors opinion if anxiety doesn't ease your mind?

In any case, our minds also do manufacture symptoms and tend to make us feel as if we are feeling more symptoms than we actually are.

Quitting the stims (alcohol and chocolate) is a good start. Perhaps try exercise and maybe a diet full of whole foods to see if that helps. Maybe give it a go for a week or so and if not I'd go find a second opinion on whats up.

Take care

13-04-16, 05:05
Hi , sounds like anxiety , when mine gets bad you wouldn't believe the symptoms real pain that takes you to the docs I won't go into them or you may develop more symptoms , my breathing is a big issue right now been like it last few days , it's 5 in the morning woke at 4 from a nightmare my breathing has gone from rapid when I woke to very shallow , when I get like this it's like I have to tell myself to breath I shallow breath for a while then take a big breath , chest gets tight and I feel awful like I'm about to die , distraction helps when it gets bad reading , take a shower , go outside , anything that takes your thoughts away from breathing , hope it passes soon , take care .

Lady Penelope
13-04-16, 17:38
Thanks for the replies. The more I read on here the more I think it's anxiety. I do have a cardiologist appointment in two weeks which will hopefull put my mnd at rest. Feels like I have been taken over by an alien! Take care