View Full Version : advice / help please

12-04-16, 17:51
hi everyone i suffer from severe anxiety and been told i have depersonalization
i would just like a bit of advice if anyone has ever felt the same
every day from waking it is total hell i can't tell if I'm really here or not. its got to to a point now though where it seems really weird and odd to do normal things e.g. to shop, hang out with friend (which i can't do because i feel so weird) everything just does not seem right to do :( i have really odd thoughts about why were here and just generally always feel really weird, frightened, upset. the one thing that is upsetting me though is that it seems weird to do normal every day things. (or maybe I'm just over thinking it) i don't no what its like to be any more :(
any advice would be much appreciated
many thanks

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:50 ----------

i have also been on citalopram for years and also been on quitiapine for a month. my doctor is changing me from citalopram to effexor aswell which i am also nervous about :(

12-04-16, 18:05
Hi , you will find a lot of similar posts on here of people feeling the same way , first time I felt like it was over twenty years ago scared the hell out of me , there have been years where it completely went , it seemed to come back to me with a vengeance when I tried citalapram four years ago , I liken it to being a spectator not actualy living your life , distraction works best for me and overthinking it definitely makes it worse and hang around for longer , it will pass and probably when you don't notice , it's scary but harmless , hope it passes soon , take care .

12-04-16, 18:17
many thanks for the reply
i hate feeling like this
I've just got it in my head that everything does not seem "normal" to do
e.g. living in life :(

12-04-16, 22:33
Try doing a puzzle, anything that takes your mind and puts it back in reality. The problem with depersonalization is that your brain is observing waaaaay too much of your life, it focuses on things because its trying to figure out why you're feeling how you are, hence it'll start observing everything you do. Its a terrifying feeling but just know its common and theres nothing wrong with you at all its just an anxiety stage.

I had DP when I would go to a market and shop, out of nowhere it would feel like I'd have super senses and everything seemed like I wasnt doing it, it terrified me.

I'd do puzzles, play a video game, take on a project. Put your brain to work, that is the best distraction, then it has something to focus on other than your anxiety.

Good luck