View Full Version : I can't take waiting for these results it's making me ill

12-04-16, 18:05
I wish I never went for my smear I honestly can't cope with the agonising wait , I just have a hunch it's going to come back with something wrong I have a feeling , she said she could see an inflamed area on my cervix which when I googled could be a cancerous lesion, I keep feeling like I need to wee (this has only came about in the last 3 days ) and my bladder always feels full , I don't know what I'll do when it comes back positive, i had a friend that died at my age 36 of cervical cancer 😢😢 I honestly can't cope x

12-04-16, 19:13
Can you call the doctor and explain you have extreme anxiety and need the results asap?

Also, you are most likely okay. Just try to wait for the results. It sucks but for now you can come on here and talk to us! What are you doing in the meantime to pass time?

12-04-16, 19:20
I've just been working , I'm going to go see my go tomorrow , I have to do something it's driving me crazy , I want the results but at the same time I don't know how I'll open them x

12-04-16, 22:10
Wen did u have it done.u wud heat asap if anything was wrong and th inflamed bit cud be an ectropton its what I have on mine wen was your last smear

12-04-16, 22:12
I had it done Monday , my last one was 3 years ago x

12-04-16, 22:30
When I was worrying about bladder cancer I used to have the feeling that my bladder was full but when I tried to go to toilet not much would come out. This was anxiety in the end because when I stopped worrying the feeling went away. Hope this helps :)

12-04-16, 23:08
Anxiety does alot to us.the mind is a powerful thing.Monday as in yesterday ?

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

I was concerned like u always am and coz of ectroption I get even more nervous but mine was all normal I'm sure ill be fine let us no any news.

13-04-16, 06:25
Thanks all , yes this Monday just gone the 11th ���� I havnt slept a wink X

13-04-16, 08:42
Hi Rebecca

Please try not to worry (easier said than done) Cervical Cancer on average takes 8 to 10 years to develop so by laws of average if you had a clear smear 3 years ago the reality is that you will have no changes this time.

if any changes are detected this time they will be slight and caught early and easily resolved.

I left my smear 8 years and in that time I was pregnant and went 6 months ago for my smear! my results took 15 days to return and they were high grade changes for which I needed to have a LLETZ treatment to treat CIN3. it was another long agionising 6 month wait for me to go back and see if the treatment was succesfull ( I had a repeat smear over 3 weeks ago ) which I still have not had my results however the Gynae said my cervix looked all clear.

anyway what you need to remember is this.. if for any awful reason its not a clear smear.. the drs and NHS are great at this! they deal with everyday and once you are in the system they monitor you closely.

hang in their.. you will be ok im sure. if you need to talk or rant feel free to pester me


13-04-16, 13:28
Ugh, the waiting for results. It consumes your entire mind. I'm so sorry you're struggling. I don't really have any added advice, but just wanted to give you a *hugs* its hard to wait and wonder while your so scared. I totally get it!! Praying all is well, as I'm sure it will be.

13-04-16, 16:25
Thank you everyone xx

13-04-16, 18:23
I am in the same boat at the moment waiting for results after something found on my cervix. I think the reply from lottie59 is really sensible and calming. Our health anxiety makes us panic about things but we need to ignore those dreadful voices in our heads and be rational. We are lucky enough to live in a country with amazing free health care and even if we get a bad result we have the NHS to back us all the way.
This is the first time I have come on this website, and I am typing this in tears after reading about all the poor people on this site that go through the same struggles as me every day.i feel less alone!
Please remember - try to live every day with joy, try not to let the panic take you over when you don't even have anything to panic over yet! I struggle with this daily but have recently found that trying to start my day with perspective and counting my blessings helps. In 50 years you don't want to be looking back on a life wasted in fear of things that never happened! I hope all goes well for you. You will all be in my thoughts x

14-04-16, 12:52
So I've been back to Drs I couldn't take it , dr did another internal said the inflammation had gone , very odd ! But she said I had 2 little glands around my cervix which she said looks fine , I'm now worried about this 🙈even though the dr said she wasn't worried 😫😫 why can't I be happy x

15-04-16, 23:53
Any news hun? Xx

16-04-16, 07:39
No nothing yet , I called up the practise nurse yesterday and she explained they were cysts , she said she'd done 20 smears that week and 10 had the cysts , she said they're not cancerous , and she didn't mention them because she could see how anxious I was , in dreading the result i want them but then in another way I don't , I don't know how I'll cope if something is up with them x